英語リスニング(金1) クラスLD (教室 K601)
                          担当 安岡正晴

<教科書>Dunkel, Patricia A, Frank Pialorsi, and Joann Kozyrev. 2001. Advanced Listening Comprehension: Developing Aural and Notetaking Skills, 2nd ed.(Japan Edition). Tokyo; Shohaku-sha.




10.4  イントロダクション
10.11 Ch.1 The End of an Empire

+Short Conversation(1)
10.18 Ch. 2 The Egyptian Pyramids
+Short Conversation(2)
10.25  Ch.3 The John F. Kennedy: Promise and Tragedy
+Popular Songs
11.1  Ch.4 Indira Gandhi: A Sad Song of India
+Radion News Program(1)
11.8  Ch. 5 The DustBowl: Nature against Humankind
+Radio News Program(2)
11.15 <中間試験>
11.22 Ch.6 The Great Flood of 1993
+TV Drama(1)
11.29 Ch.7 The Women's Movement
+TV Drama(2)
12.6  Ch.8 The Men's Movement
+TV Talk Show
12.13 Ch. 9 Classroom Communication
+TV Newsprogram(1)
12.10 Ch.10 Gender and Communication
+TV Newsprogram(2)
1.10   Tips on Listening Comprehension Tests
1.24  <期末試験>

