英語オーラルB(木1)後期試験 解答例と講評


1.1.F、2.F、3.F、4.T.、5.T (各3点、計15点)


@     Why punish the majority of cellular phone users for the actions of a small minority?

A     DST would only serve to increase overwork in this competitive era.

B     According to statistics, it is premature for the Government to revise the Code.

C     If English is dropped from entrance exams, students will lose motivation to study English.

D     There was no justification for the second atomic bombing, of Nagasaki.

E     We cannot get enough electricity from hydroelectric power and geothermal plants alone.

@ Of course we are guaranteed with basic human rights but there is an exception to this. We cannot offend other people's rights and cause problems against the public. Most people know that smoking is harmful to human body, not only the smokers themselves but also to the people around them who breath in the smoke. This second-hand smoking affects the body more than smoking tobacco by themselves. As a result, smoking in public will offend many people's right to pursue health. (計16点)

AWhat awaits Juveniles after they commit crimes? We can easily think that Juviniles' lives won't be smooth. The fact that he or she has commited a crime will never vanish, and will keep on bothering that person in many ways throughout his life. He might not be able to get a good job , or be treated by people in an indifferent way because of what he has done. Just living in the normal world would be a punishment to him. If so, treating Juviniles more hardly wouldn't be the answer to the problem. Juviles are still young, and their crimes come out because they are immature. They have the right to get another chance to live like otheres, and we must help them.(計16点)

BThere are not enough military forces on Honshu to protect Japan right now. Much of them are in Okinawa, and to lose all of them is too big. This means we must move some of the U.S. army in Okinawa to Honshu. But as a reality, nobody is willing to accept the army in Honshu and it is hard to find the site for them. The U.S. forces are playing an important role in the economy of Okinawa, so it is better to leave there, though we should continue to try to reduce the amount of it by removing unneeded forces.(計17点)

平均点 65.8点、最高点 94点、最低点 39点

出来のいい答案と悪い答案がはっきり分かれる結果となった。1のリスニングは全体的によくできていた。2に関して言えば、cellular phone the (Civil) Code hydroelectric、geothermalといった単語の誤りが多かったがまずますできていた。結果が分かれたのが3であり、@の喫煙が人権であるという議論に対する反論は比較的よく書けていたが、Aの少年法の現状批判に対する反論(つまり擁護論を書くことを求められているわけだがや。Bの出来は今ひとつであった。Bは「米軍基地を本州に移転しても周辺諸国からの脅威にさらされることはない」と意見に対する反対意見を書く問題だが、解答例にあげた、やや込み入った論理を展開しているもののほかに、「周辺諸国からの脅威」を強調する答案や、「現在も米軍基地は日本の安全保障に貢献してない」という主張の答案、「テロ攻撃には米軍基地があっても対応できない」という答案など様々なヴァリエーションがあったが、いずれも正解として、英文のレベルに応じて点数をつけた。ちなみにここで解答例としてあげた、@〜Bは同一の学生によって書かれたものであるが、限られた試験時間内でやや複雑な出題であったにもかかわらずこのレベルの英文を書く力があるのは素晴らしいことだと言えるだろう。論理とヴォキャブラリーの面から他の学生も英作文力アップに努めてほしい。

