英語オーラルB 水5 後期試験 解答例と講評

1.1. T, 2. T, 3. F, 4. T, 5. F (各3点、計15点)


@     The biggest advantage is that you can make a call anywhere, anytime.

A     The darker it gets, the more the crime rate increases.

B     As for the children, they should be allowed to carry either surname.

C     English taught in schools for exams only makes students dislike English.

D     The war would have ended even without using atomic bombs.

E     We should continue using nuclear energy as a safe, clean, and efficient energy resource.

3.@ If smoking harms only smokers, that is all right. But actually, second-hand smoke harms non-smokers as well.Smoking makes human's life short. So smokers have the possiblity of killing non-smokers indirectly. Making my lifetime shorter for other people's desire is unendurable. But this is avoidable.I think it is more appropriate to ask smokers to be considerate of non-smokers rather than to ask non-smokers to understand smokers' addiction to nicotine.(計16点)

AI don't think that Japanese society is too conservative to encourage women to have a career and a family. First, there are many companies that provide daycare services for young children. Women can work well even if they have children. In addition, male-chauvinisitic ideas that once dominated
this country is becoming out of date. Men are required to and come to understand to help the entry of female workers into the labor market. Although the burden of house chores tend to depend more on women than on men, the situation is changing in order to form a more gender-free society.(計17点)

BIf students are taught subjects both in English and in Japanese, they will be able to communicate in English more easily. It is true that we do not
need to speak in English in our daily lives, but in the 21st century, the English proficiency will have more significance than before. If you can communicate in English on both academic and business situations, that will be a great advantage in surviving in this age of globalization. The dual programs that provide education in both languages will be a good opportunity to train students to become global citizens.(計16点)


平均点 55.9点、最高点 91点、最低点 20点

全体として今ひとつの出来だった。原因は、3の問題が出来てなかった学生が多かったことである。反対意見を英語で書くのはかなり難しいともいえるが、テキストのテーマを復習して、賛成・反対意見を予め英語で考えておけばもう少し試験でも解答できたのではないかと思われる。1のリスニングはまずます出来ていた。2では、@はメリットが英語ではadvantageという点や、Eのnuclear energy という単語を間違えているものが多かった。全体として、試験勉強をした学生は、2は完璧に近く、そうでない学生は構文的にもばらばらな文章を書いていたようである。3に関しては全般的に出来がよくなかった。@に関しては反論が書きやすかったようだが、Aはほとんど何もかけない学生も少なくなかった。Bに関してはdual programの意味を理解してない学生がいた。文法中心学習には批判が多いが、英作文を課すと主語、述語や関係副詞、代名詞を誤っているものも少なくない。「使うための文法」を身につけてほしいと思う。

