英語リーディングTA(木1 クラス26) 担当 安岡正晴

◆前期末試験 解答例と講評◆(2002年7月4日実施)



@ カナダなどの国々における同種の運動の場合と同様に、先住アメリカ人たちは訴訟を通じて、土地の所有権や水利権、漁業権の返還を求めている。
B ケネディが大統領選挙戦で扱わなければならなかった最大の争点の一つは、人口妊娠中絶問題であった。
C アボリジニたちの高い失業率は、彼らが受ける教育水準の低さだけでなく、限られた職業訓練しか受けられないことにも関係している。



I think that accepting the differences of the appearances of people is the most difficult and the most important thing to live together in a nation-state.When one person distinguishes himself from other person, he looks at the person's appearance. He recoginizes the difference of the person's color of skin or har and height and the make of the face. The reasons why there are relatively few discriminations in Japan is we Japanese cannot distinguish ourselves from other East-Asian people who live in Japan for a long time. In terms of appearance, we are similar to Chinese, Koreans, and Taiwanese. So there are few visible minorities in Japan.If people all over the world would have accepted the differences of the appearances, blacks would have not been discriminated for the reason that they have dark skins. Although there are still a lot of religious conflicts as well, the discrimination based on the apperances are more intractable because it is so easy to discern. Many instances of discriminations in the world that are discussed in the class seem to be based on the differences of outlooks. In order to abolish these discriminations, we have to come to think that appearances do not matter and that it is nonsense to disciminate against other peoples based on them.

I have learned ethnic problems in the U.S. such as poverty of Hispanic people or native Americans. Today the American government tries to solve these problems and many people including foreigners like me are concerned about it. On the other hand, the Japanese people are not interested in or aware of ethnic problems in Japan. Here I would like to consider the perception gap between Japan and the US in racial matters. Firstly, I would like to metion to the language. I think that language is very important for national identity. Among those who speak one language, there is a certain sense of belonging. In the U.S., there are many people who cannot speak ENglish though they are American, but in Japan, minorities including Ainus and Okinawans speak Japanese in their daily lives. Secondly, I think the U.S. is composed of many peoples who have different cultural backgrounds. Each people from different areas brought its own cultural tradition to the U.S. On the other hand, I think peoples who came to Japan seem to share a similar cultural identity and background because Asian countries are culturally linked each other. Lastly, I would like to mention the length of national history. The United States have a shorter history than Japan and relatively little time to assimilate each people who came to the United States while Japan has a longer national history since ancient times to assimilate people from other areas. I think these are the reasons why the Japanese people are less sensitive and less aware of ethnic minority issues than the American people.

<講評>平均点 80.3点、最高点 94点、 最低点 63点。

全体としてよく出来ていたと思う。特に1の英文和訳はほとんどの学生ができていた。一方、2の自由英作文は予め準備するようにいっておいたわりには今ひとつの出来であった。しかし授業中は、授業のテーマに関連してまとめるように大雑把な指示しか与えていなかったので、当日の問題と用意してきた解答とギャップを感じた学生もいたことかと思い、その点は反省している。さて1について言えば、Bでpresidential campaign「大統領選挙運動」の意味が取れてない答案とabortionを間違えている答案が少なくなかった。またCだが、「A as well as B」を「Bと同様にAも」と訳す学生が多いが、実際の英文では「AもBも」と素直に前から訳した方がぴったりすることが多いので注意してほしい。Dのreferendumも間違えが多かった。10問のうちで一番ミスが多かったのが、Fで、the transfer to Socialism(S) took political and economic power from (V)the royalty, titled nobility and priests(O)という構文を取り損なっているものが多かった。titled nobilityの意味がわからなかったのも一因かと思われる。2の「国民国家における少数民族問題」についての自由英作文だが、ここに挙げた解答例は意見そのものがよいから挙げたのではなく、とりあえずそれぞれ自分なりの見解を展開していたために高得点をつけた。他の答案は、事実を断片的に書いたものや、パラグラフの形式が整ってないものが多かった。「15行以上書くこと」という指示は15行という数字そのものに特に意味があるわけでもないが、ある程度議論を展開するには最低そのくらいはいるだろうということだったのだが、とりあえずぎりぎり「15行埋めた」という感じの答案が多かったのが残念である。これからも英語で意見を書く練習をしてほしい。

