Tavaluna 12
1)Hangge naturigi atamani mwa gaivuaga, bilan
vwavwa(1) mwa weswesia gin homumutai(2), naturigi mwa hun(3) seresere memea gi bwanana(4). Tamana vi lai seresere gi bwanan bilan
vwavwa gi mahalun(5) vuamalo, seresere vwate gi mahalun ihu voravora,
seresere vwate gi mahalun vorovoro(6) longgo. Ginau keki tamana mwa dania lol
gubweng vuroi(7), sa lol TULAI(8), vi vataha vwavwa bilan nituna gin lalangan
ginau keki.
2)Tuai vwavwa nu weswesi nitun hogosina(9) atamani gin homumutai, taman naturigi mwa
wehi gan(10) boe, nu lai seresere memea, nituna nu hunia
lalai bilan vwavwa. Ta naturigi mwa weswesi
ngan, ta si hav vuamalo tehe. Be tamana vi tabea(11) naturigi vi tulai sa vi wehi boe, si hav
vuamalo tehe. Naturigi vi lol mwalanggelo
kun tauluna 12, 13, 14, sa 15 nu garoga huba,
vi hingge vugo mwa du antahi vi seve garona
ginia. Be ratahigi mwa hav riv te veveo(12) be vavine rav vatua gi bwanmaita vi tunua
vi memea, ta vi rav(13) livoala(14) gi gaon seresere(15) 100 vai aben ratahigi mwa do Gihage(16). Be ratahigi ata Gihage vi hanggo bwanmemea
vudolua, mwalanggelo mwa la(17) mwa hiri garona gin vugo radu. Sobe nu lol
vatuvai maraha, kea vi uloi bilan havwa(18)[bweta bwaro].
3)Havwa [Bweta bwaro]. Ratahigi vi riv higaon
bweta(19), ratahigi vi gitalua ngadun hala rav lulu(20) vi en gi tanon havwa vi hanggo gamali vi
en aia, ute kea vi uloinia be gaibwalasi(21). Ratahigi kea vi bwalasi ira naturirigi
aia. Hangge ratahigi mwa uloi ira vwaliuna(22) ratahigi dodolua ram dovo gubwengin gaibwalasi.
Ira mwalanggelo gabe ran sovi garora ram
mai vataha vanua maira naturigi taulura 9
sa 10 sa 11 sa 12. Ram nggonggo lol gamalin
gaibwalasi aia rav la aia huri gubweng ngavul
gaitolu sa ngavul gaivasi. Ta ira naturigi
taulura gaituvwa sa 2 sa 3 sa 4 sa gai 5
sa 6 sa 7 sa 8 kera rav siv van batena gabe
vuamalo, sa rav van ba do huri gubweng gairua.
Ira tamara maira, ira ratahira rav siv van
maira naturi la huhu(23), i mai seresere be naturigi rav hunia.
4)Hangge ira gultabu abena(24). Gultabu ira bwatmetua ram gitanggoro mwalanggelo
be ira mwalanggelo ngavul gaiviha ira gultabu
vi dadariha maira. Sa gubweng ran nggonggo
vuvuri na ira mwalanggelo maira nora gultabu,
ram haroro lol gamali, ira mwalanggelo rituai
kun taulura 16, 17, 18, 19 sa ngavul gairua
gumira huba, kera mulei taulu 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, batena ran mai ran vuamalo ram haroro
mai lol gamalin gaibwalasi. Gaibwalasi kun
gain vidi rituai rurui nggorogoro balsin
sara tavaluna mai tavaluna kun keki.
So ira mwalanggelo rav haroro ngotongoto
lol gamali, ira gultabu ran hingge menahin
vae(25) duluai gi gabi ram daua lol matan gabi ivusi
na matangabi mwa ahu maragai. Wani gultabu
ram lai teltele ran sagae lol bua ran tunua
mwa mwanogo huba ninovi ran sinuinia gin
ilava bwibwin bwasia, ran tahigia(26) gin tahi ran tun bigina bweta. Ram sarinia
aben ira naturigi maira mwalanggelo lol ahun
menahin vae gea ram suwainira be gin gania
vilehi. Ira mwalanggelo ram iloe be teltele,
ram lolohi matara gin ahu sa ram dei na ira
naturigi gai taulu 8, 9, 10, 11, be keki
teltele, ram haranggo maira vua malo dentene
ta ira gultabu ram roto gaora i ram nggahi
malora ram hanggo bilara bibiga(27) ram guregurenira ram beve be, Hoho ui ui,
Hoho ui ui.
5)Sara ngava keki, gultabu ran vadule bwanihun
gai nunumi sa vidide(28) ran vadulea mwa du anggeren sara tavaluna
bwatbwanihu oda. Ira mwalanggelo taulura
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 kera ram
bev nora ginau(29) rav rovo bongi vava vi rani. Ram hanggo
ngadui gai ran rovo vai aben bwatbwanihu
oda ran wehi baroe tavaluna vai tavaluna.
Kera ram hav rov te vatutu ta ran rov butebute.
Ran ngara nu rovo kun ngavan gaitolu mwabute,
la ngavan gaivasina nu ngara kun keki u u
u, hurin buteana kunia vai votu vi wehi mavori(30) manonon bwatbwanihu tavaluna vai tavaluna.
Wani nu veve be vi wehi boe, vi sese. Kea
sese bolololi(31), sese livoala gaituvwa boe tavsiri gaituvwa
boe ririgi gaivwelu. Kea hangge sese, bwativun
bolololi lavoa sa vi wehi bovtaga gabe bololvaga
gai 8, livoal gaituvwa bobibia gaituvwa gaisivona
6)Hangge ira mwalanggelo ran vev ginau duluai
be vi ratahigi vi lagi vavine 10 sa vi tamaragaiga
sa vi lol hano tehe kea nu hingge lol non
rovoana bongi. So rovoana be ihei nu rovo
vava matana nu bulu si hav togo tehe sa si
hav haroro te a gamali ta vi rovo vava vi
hovi i gultabu rav tatalo salsaloe(33) vava rav taua a gamali kea vi maturu. Sobe
ihei nu muramura vi rovo vi rani, be ran
wehibaro ba mate bwatbwanihu ira gultabu
ra(34) vadule dolua. Ira mwalanggelo ram gan boe
ivusi bilan ratahigi bigina bweta. Ran lol
kun keki gubweng gaituvwa ram maturu tavuha
gubweng gaituvwa. Gairuan gubwengi huri maturuva
ira mwalanggelo ram maturu ran bwangorohi,
ira gultabu ran bwang here ariu(35) ran tumusia ran taua aben lol matan mwalanggelo,
hahavwanin here nu rarang lol matara mwalanggelo
ran tabulabula, ira gultabu ran veve be,
hohoui, hohoui. Hangge ira mwalanggelo ran
holholtibwa(36) lol gamali, ramun bwanmaita gabe ran gagavuinira
ran oda virimui vai votu muai gultabu vi
rurutuhia be ho ui. Hangge nu nogo na ronggagarasi(37), ginau keki nu dadariha mai alo hangvul
doman 2 bongi nu nogo lol toa varango.
7)Ratahigi nu ling nora gubweng mabu ran
to lenglenga lol sara, ira mwalanggelo ran
to mwemwearu(38), sa ihei si hav van te halabehe gahena ta
ran to, be ihei bwatua mwalanggelo abera
be men van behe ira mwalanggelo ran tomare
ran beve be, hohoui, hohoui vava vi dadariha
minits(39) hangvulu wani bwatua vi rurutuhia be ho
ui. Iboina kun keki: Hoho ui ui reredaenggoa,
hoho ui ui reredaenggoa. Kunia aben vataha
wani bwatua nu nggao abera ira mwalanggelo
ram lol kun keki lalainira i lol gubweng
mabuana lalai wani nu himai nin Gihage sa
nin Ahivo(40) nu lago la hala abera nu lago mau huri non
tausala huri non doron ta silo lalai ira
bwatbwabwasi(41) be kunia.
8)(42)Gubweng vuamalo ira mwalanggelo ran gan teltele
i ran gan bweta bwaro ran ahongi(43) tagaro. Bwaten vuamalo ira hei ram mai mai
naturigi gabe taulu 1, sa 2 sa 3 sa 4 sa
5 sa 6 sa 7. Ta abera Raga sigai kunia(44), ta be buluian non taman natuirgi nu dadariha
lol gubweng ngavul gai 3 sa gubweng ngavul
gai 4(45), nituna tirigi vi vua malo dum, gabe non
buluiana gin boe bigi sa hinaga, kea ratahigi
vi doron. Tangbunia ivusi gabe seresere memea
nu masiri alolona, gita tavaluna 12 varana
9)Ira gultabu ram lai bari ririgi(46) malon vurai ran memea maragai, ran lai gaounu
sa gaovunga sa homumutai ran weswesi ira
bwatbwabwasi, ran lai malon vurai ran vuamalo
ira bwatbwabwasi ginia. I ratahigi nu lai
sersere, taman ira bwatbwabwasi ran arai
seresere nu dadariha be bwatbwabwasi (mwalanggelo)
gaituvwa vi hun gaiviha lalai ira tamana.
Ira bwatbwabwasi gabe ira mwalanggelo ran
tabagilu mulei vai lol tanora vuvuri ram
siv vora malmasigi(47). So wani nu rovo nu rani ta nu vev havanau
be vi lolia, si hav vahala te, vi dum kun
gabe nu rovo mwa bevea be vi ratahigi la
tanoi hivhivo, nu habwe dovongana huba lol
rovoana, sobe vi vora ratahigi lavoa nu habwe
dovongana huba lol non rovoana muramura,
sobe vi tamaragaiga nu habwea huba, be si
hav lol te bwiri hano nu habwe huba. Vevhuri
be ran rovo bongi ta atmate nu rovo mulei
bul(48) maira. Ira gultabu ram gitabwatoi non rovoana
be nu rovo gin muramura nu hav savia tehe.
Ira bwatua gabe ira gitanggoro gaibwalasi
ran veve lalai atmate be gom rovo roiroi
ata(49) Amarama, hiv mulei vai Natabwa Aligu(50) vanuamwa aia gom rong roron samarana gom
hamai. Hangge atmate nu van nin gaibwalasi.
Tavaluna 13
1)(51)Huri ira vavine. Ata Raga mwa doron be nituna
vi tabea wani(52) kea vi riv bilan damu sa bweta sa malogu
be atatu rav gitae rav urae rav volia gin
bwanmemea sa boe, be boe livo sa bobibia
sa livbwanbwana(53) sa mabu sa livoala. Taman vavive vi rav
boe gi gaon maraha(54). Seresere vai Gihage, seresere memea vi
himai, nituna vavine daulato kea vi lihilihi(55). Be vaigougo gubweng lihilihi ira vavine
gabe bilan vwavwa rav lalanggonggo(56) mai ira tamana mulei, daualto nu wehi gara
boe ran bete bwarogainia be gara mau, i boe
gan sinobu maira mulei nu vwaliana(57) mai hinaga mwa du a ima a gamali(58). Daulato vi lihi ginau, ① kea vi lihi bwatibani, ②lalau gain toa, ③lalaun visi, ④vi rav liuliu rau bunbune gi sorina(59), ⑤vi lihi huhunana rau bunbune gairua sa gaitolu
sa gaivasi sa gailima, ⑥ulina vai lol havwa, ⑦vi weswesi varovon homu ivusi, ⑧vi tagara livon boe ivusi, ⑨vi talbavai homu vi alo huhuna gairua gin
homu, ⑩vi tagiri lilibena dalis bwatuna(60), ⑪vi lihi barimemea be vi teteli(61) bari gairua sa gaitolu sa gaivasi sa gailima.
2)Nitun ratahigi na daulato ratahigi vi riv
bilan veveo ira vavine rav vatua vi to gi
bwanmaita barimaita. Kea vi vare kera hangvulu
sa atatu gaiviha(62) huri tai gabin maraha(63). Ratahigi vi hanggo gamali gara matan gabi
gogona(64) ivsi alolona. Kea vi uloi atatu hangvulu
sa gaiviha vi lai bwanara huri vinun vaone
gai(65) be rav tun(66) maraha alolona(67) i nu gitalua vavine gaiviha huri labwe(malabwelabwe)(68). Ratahigi nu vugeri(69) seresere memea vataha ira vavine hiri labwe.
Ratahigi vi ware vavine nin Gihage huri tun
maraha, vavine vwate huri tavi bwagavi(70) alun bwanmaita i barimaita. Vataha lalanggova
nu votu vuvuri gubeng tuntun mwa en ira atatun
utuutu wai ivusi. Sinobu huri lalanggova
kun 20, ram gan boe ivusi maragai. Maraha
nu memea vuvuri ratahigi nu tavwera(71) gin boe sa bwanmemea dodolua nin bwanmemea
gara mwa du.
3)Ratahigi nu vua la singisingi gi gubwengin
tulai non nituna atamani i nituna vavine
huri lihilihi. Vavine nu lihilihi kun keki,
ira vavine mataisao gin iboi gin singisingi
ram digo vataha bongi la alo gaibitu va(72) vi votu alo hangvulu doman gairua sa alo
gaituvwa vai batena ira vavine rav tigo vi
rani, vwavwa bilan daulato gabe bwatua vi
tomuai daulato raru vi haroro lol gamali
gogona, raru vi votu vataha matan gabi gogona
duluai, raru vi bwihavare(73), ira bilan vwavwa rituwai rav lai vavine
daulato vai Aligu sa hava vwavwanhao tamana
nu visigai ginia be si hav hivo te aia vaivotu
kea vi lihilihi. Vaigougo tulai non hogosin
daulato ran gel matan gabi nu roro, toa ivusi
nu wehiana gi bigin tulai, ta boe ivusi mau
nu wehiana gi bigi huri lihilihi sa maraha
vi vute(74). Tulai naturigi atamani nu varahi boe atatu
ran hanggo bwatugehi boe, naturigi nu varahia
gin bwalagena vuvuri nu wehi bwamate boe
nu vare iha moli(75) i natuirigi nu togo sosori gabi nu oda lol
matan gabi roro keki kun minet 10. Vaigougo
maraha vi bute, kun keki muan bolololi non
naturigi. Tamana nu vev lalai havana(76) vwate vi mai vi wehi boraba bilan nituna(77), havana vwate vi tigo bilan naturigi ira
tarua keki ramuru wehi boraba ramuru digo
naturigi vi hun bwanara. Gaitolun samsamara
mantani naturigi vi hun bwanan tamana vwate
4)Mosomoso tavuha gaitolu keki sinobu atamani
i vavine ram samara ram hala ran vwelu(79) alolona. Atagun samsamara gaitolu nu nogo,
atatu nu vosarau ram lolo singisingi wani
havan naturigi nu rovo lol sara nu vwelui
bololvaga. Ramuru rovo mai tamana. Tamana
nu tomuai naturigi nu hala atagun tamana
vai anggeren sara tavaluna ramuru rovo dalis
wani mai boe, i ran gairotogai singisingi(80) wani non boe nu veve be volin sorin nitumwa
rau mwele bololvwaga. Tamana nu ngis rot
raun mwele nu taria la gaon naturigi. Vataha
hei ran vwelui boe. Maraha nu vute be bwanmemea
100, bua vatu ngangava hangvulu bwana bari
ran dule alura. Vwavwa bilan naturigi vwavwa
bilan tamana ran datalo bisirai bua 10, kera
ran lol singisingi(81), naturigi mai tamana ramuru hala vataha
varan vavine gabe ram datal maraha, raru
vi hun bwanara huria(82), iboina kun keki(83).
5)Hangge nu nogo na maraha bute ram bigi
bwana mwa du, naturigi nu hae lol tora. Tora
bugoro ran bebesia anggeren sara naturigi
nu togo aia lol bugoro mai boe ririgi ivusi
[lahoa]. Ran ul lol matan naturigi gin ulo
vwaiango memea. Aia lol bugoro singisingi
tirigi nu en aia wani nu wehi singisingi
nu tagelegele aluna. Atatu vwate nu tore
boen tora, nu uloi boe tirigi lahoa(84) gi bololvwaga sa livo sa bobibia sa mabu,
kea toretore dentene ta halana mau kunia,
naturigi nu hun bwanan tamana vwate aia i
nu nogo kunia. Naturigi nu van lol sara nu
tu. Ira vavine ran vwelu ran hala atagun
ira atamani(85) lol boraba mai tigo(86) ran van mai nora seresere ran vugeria aben
bwalagen naturigi nu tu lol sara be bwanan
naturigi(87). Atagu atatu ivusi ran vwelui boe lol sara
bwana keki ira vavine ran vugeria aben naturigi.
Bwana rituai ran en gi vuron naturigi(88) ta rituai ratahin naturigi nu tau bileahinia(89), ira vavine rituai ran dabagilu mai bwan
dodolua(90) ta boe duluai atatu ran vweluinia kea vurona.
Ram doron seresere tamana i ratahina ramuru
dau aluna(91) sobe sigai mwa du gi vurona duluai. Hangge
tamana i ratahina ramuru lai atalun seresere
gara naturigi nu hunia lalai ira tamana mai
vwavwa bilan naturigi, ta ira hei ran rongoe
be wani non maraha vi memea ran lai boe ivusi
lalainia i nu lol ginau dodolua gin boe.
Tuai huba maraha memea sigai radu wani non
maraha memea nu lol vurona gin tavalun maraha.
6)Hangge keki lalai ira sinobu duluai ata
Raga gabe ira atatu hivhivo sa ira ratahigi
lalavoa duluai gabe ram hav riv te bilara
veveo be nora maraha vi bute mai boraba mai
tigo(92), kea nu vua singisingi gubweng 10 sa 20,
gubewng loli(93) non nituna, wani nu habwe dum seresere nin
rosona mau, sa nu vol tirigi nin Gihage,
kea nu vev lalai havana(94) gairua be vwate vi wehi bolaba vwate vi
tigo hangge ran lol ginau duluai kun la varan
buka keki gai 4 gai 5(95). Boe ririgi ata lol tora( bugoro sa bebes
goro) naturigi nu vol ①lalaun manu visi ②bwibwin tanggure memea ③ adomae ④bwatibwani. Be naturi madue vi malanggeloga
vi lol ginau duluai keki.(96)
(1) Although the possessive case of the word
for kin is usually indicated by suffixes
such as -ku, -mwa, -na, which mean “my,” “your,” and “his
(or hers),” respectively, the word vwavwa is preceded by a possessive marker such as
bikaku (my), bilamwa (your) or bilana (his or hers).
(2) Homumutai is a string of beads made of a shell called
(3) Hun is a short form of huni, meaning “to give a mat to one’s father
or father’s sister in the manner of putting it on
one’s head.”
(4) Bwana is a large red mat woven of pandanus leaves
that is used as traditional money.
(5) Mahalu is a kind of mwemwearuvwa, which means a gift that should be followed
by a reciprocal gift.
(6) Voro is a verb that means to squeeze the shaved
flesh of a coconut to produce coconut milk.
(7) GubweH vuroi means anytime or “not a special day.”
Vuroi means “nothing.”
(8) Tulai is a kind of earthen oven. The meeting house,
called gamali, contained (and, in some places, still contains)
earthen ovens that carry a rank and are used
by a limited number of members who have the
right to use them. The highest-ranked earthen
oven is located farthest back in the meeting
house, whereas the lowest-ranked is at the
front of the house, which is near the entrance.
The rank of tulai is the lowest, which is a temporary oven made outside the
meeting house at a special ritual, which
is also called tulai.
(9) Hogosi means “sibling.” A man’s hogosi means his sister, whereas a woman's hogosi designates her brother.
(10) Gan boe means “a pig as a food for the child’s
father’s sister.” Cf: Gaku means “my food,” gamwa means “your food,” gana means “his or
her food,” and gara means “their food”.
(11) Tabe means “to love.” Tabea means “to love him (or her).” Tabe also means “to give because of love.”
Cf: Tabeana means “a gift for which there needs to
be no counter-gift.” When one wants to say thanks, he
just says tabeana.
(12) Veveo is a kind of pandanus tree. People weave
a mat out of its leaves. Bwanmaita is a large whitish mat that has not yet
been dyed. For details, see the Introduction.
(13) Rav is a short form of ravae, which means “to pull a rope fastened to
the front leg of a pig.” If one gives a
pig to someone, he should fetch a pig to
pull a rope fastened to its front leg. In
this way, ravae sometimes means “to give.”
(14) Livoala is a pig whose tusks grow into a circle.
In North Raga, a pig is ranked according
to the size of its tusks. Pigs are classified
as follows (from the lowest to the highest
rank): udurugu, bololvaga, bogani, tavsiri, bohere, bobibia, mabu, and livoala. See Figure 1 of Raga Story III.
(15) Seresere is a general term for a mat. Gaon seresere is a bundle of mats.
(16) There are three main language areas
on Pentecost Island: the northern, central,
and southern areas. Gihage means the central part of the island, where most
people speak the Apma language. (17) La is a short form of lago, meaning “to walk.”
(18) Havwa is a large-scale dance that is performed
mainly by women. In this case, it is called
bweta baro (row taro).
(19) A farm plot is called an uma. An aggregate of uma is higao.
(20) Lulu means “to dig”. In this case lulu is the same as vagahai, which means “to prepare.”
(21) Bwalasi is “to cross one’s legs or arms.” Gaibwalasi is literally a crossing stick and usually
means the diagonal beams that reinforce a
door. In this context, bwalasi sometimes means “to reinforce.” However
gaibwalasi here indicates crescentic sticks that are
inserted around the ritual ground, and it
is also the name of a ritual performed at
this place, as was described in detail in
the Introduction.
(22) Vwaliuna is an answer. In this case, it means a partner.
(23) Naturi la huhu is composed of naturi (child), la (at), and huhu (breast).
(24) Abe means “nearby.” Abeku means “by me,” abemwa means “by you,” and abena means “by him or her or it.”“Mwa do abemwa?” means “Do you have it?”
(25) Vae is a short form of bwatvae. Bwatvae is a plant used to make a rope for hitching
a pig; its leaves are used as toilet paper.
(26) Tahi means “sea.” Tahigia is composed of tahigi, meaning “to season with seawater”, and
a, which is an objective suffix.
(27) Bibiga is a small fish and is used to indicate
the penis of a child.
(28) Both nunumi and vidide are regarded as suitable trees for firewood.
(29) Ram bev nora ginau is composed of ram (they), bev (to talk), nora (their), and ginau (something). People use such an expression
when they pray to get something.
(30) Mavori is a spark and manono is the burning part of the wood.
(31) Bolololi is a ritual in which the grade system is
realized. During this ritual, people kill
and exchange pigs to achieve a higher rank.
(32) See Note 14 regarding the kinds of pigs.
(33) Tatalo salsaloe is “to hold somebody in one’s arms.”
Tatalo means “to shoulder.”
(34) Ra here is a short form of ran, which is the past tense of ram.
(35) Bwang here ariu means “to bundle reeds to make a torch.”
(36) Holholtibwa literally means “to go ahead with one’s
head pointing here and there.” Holo means “to stick one’s head.” Nam holo boro is “I head the ball,” whereas Buluki hologo is “A bull is making a dash at you”.
(37) Rong gagarasi is composed of rong (rongo: to hear) and gagarasi (pain) and means “a trial.”
(38) Although, in this context, mwemwearu means “to stay together,” it usually includes
the meaning of mutual aid. Mwemwearuana is one of the most important concepts involved
in mutual aid, and mwemwearuvwa is a gift for which a counter-gift is expected.
(39) Minits is borrowed from Bislama, Vanuatu Pidgin,
and its origin is the English word “minutes.”
(40) North Raga is divided into five districts,
and the northernmost district is Ahivo. The other districts, from north to south,
are Alau, Aute, Aligu, and Lolkasai.
(41) A novice or young boy is called a bwatbwabwasi, the meaning of which is uncertain.
(42) In the original text written by David
Tevimule, this section is the first section
of Chapter 13. Based on its content, I treat
this section as Section 8 of Chapter 12.
(43) AhoHi means “to paint one’s face with ash or
charcoal, etc.”
(44) The meaning of sigai kunia is “not like this.” Although abera Raga sigai kunia seems to mean “these children in Raga do
not eat snakes and raw taros,” people have
explained that this means “these children
in Raga do not wear loincloths in the Gaibwarasi ritual.”
(45) This seems to indicate the period of
isolation during the Gaibwarasi ritual. Therefore, the sentence here means
that even small boys from 1 to 7 years of
age are able to wear loincloths (vuamalo) if their fathers support the ritual by
giving sufficient food and so on during this
(46) Bari is a small red mat. Bari tirigi is smaller than a usual bari.
(47) Malmasigi is composed of a malo (loincloth) and a masigi (real).
(48) Bul is a short form of bulu (together).
(49) Ata is a short form of atatu (people).
(50) Aligu is one of five districts in North Raga;
it is situated in the eastern coastal area. See Note 40. Natavwa is a plot of land that is the origin of
a kin group known as the Natavwa.
(51) In the original text written by David
Tevimule, this section is the third section
of Chapter 13. See Note 42.
(52) Wani means “somebody.”
(53) Although livbwanbwana is regarded as a kind of mabu, it is, strictly speaking, a slightly lower
rank than is mabu.
(54) White mats are usually sent to Central
Pentecost, where they are dyed red. Pigs
are used to pay for dying the mats red. The
meaning of maraha is “property,” particularly that used
for red mats, which are important for exchange goods.
(55) Lihi means “to purchase.” Lihilihi is one of the women’s rituals held to advance
in rank.
(56) Lala is a short form of lago lago, and ?o?o means “together.”
(57) Vwalia is a verb that means “to make vwavwaligi.” Vwavwaligi is a noun that means cooking by baking taros, yams, meat, or vegetables in
an earthen oven.
(58) The phrase a imwa a gamali means “in the meeting house.” If one says
a imwa i a gamali, it means “in a house and in the meeting
(59) Solina is a leaf emblem put on one’s backside.
Several kinds of leaves are used as emblems,
and each of these indicates rank.
(60) She shaves the hair around her neck
from over the ear across the nape to the
other ear.
(61) Teteli is a verb meaning that “a woman wears a
small red mat as her waistcloth.”
(62) Gaiviha means “how many?”
(63) Gabin maraha is composed of gabi (firewood), n (of), and maraha (property, red mats).
(64) Traditionally, the meeting house contained
many earthen ovens, and persons in the low
grades were prohibited from approaching some
of these, which were sacred.
(65) This skin should be carefully taken
off by rotary cutting.
(66) The meaning of tun is “to set fire.”
(67) Mats are put in a container made of
this skin with water and dye.
(68) The dye is made of the skin of the root
of a kind of creeper called labwe. Women scrape the skin off the dried labwe root. Malabwelabwe is said to be the correct name for labwe.
(69) The meaning of vugeri is “to unfold.” When one gives a red mat
for some kind of payment or gift in the ritual,
the mat should be unfolded on the ground.
(70) Bwagavi is patterned paper made of a banana leaf.
(71) Tavwe means “to pay as wages.”
(72) Va is a short form of vava, which means “until.”
(73) The ritual described here is called
Haroroagamai (the meaning of which is “to enter into the meeting house”).
Women, with the exception of those who had
performed this ritual, were traditionally
prohibited from entering the meeting house.
(74) “Maraha vi vute” is a future tense form of “maraha mwa bute,” the meaning of which is “the treasure
arrives.” The term marahamwabute is sometimes used as the name of the ritual.
(75) Iha moli is a name given to a man who has achieved
the grade of moli such as Molmemea, Molgaga, and so on. See Raga Story VI.
(76) Havana means his kin. In this context, it is one
of the classificatory fathers of the child.
(77) Boraba bilan nituna means “boraba dance belonging to his child.” The dance
performed here, boraba or tigo, is regarded as a kind of emblem that the
child should receive.
(78) The literal translation of vi hun bwanan tamana vwate huria is that “he will put a large red mat of
one of his (classificatory) fathers on his head for this.”
(79) When people dance or perform on the
ritual ground, some men or women are dancing
or stepping around them and raising their
right or left hands or both hands. This action
is called hala or vwelu.
(80) Gairotogai is a verb that means “to beat the fixed
rhythm, which is the sign that the sound
of slit-drums will cease after it.”
(81) This is the scene of the Marahamwabute ritual. The slit-drum used here is a small one made
of bamboo and is held in the hand.
(82) Both the father’s sisters of the child and the father’s sisters of his father shoulder the bamboo and beat the
bamboo slit-drum. The child and his father
give mats to them for such performances,
and these are presented in the manner of
(83) David Tevimule did not identify the
(84) Lahoa is a small pig classified as udurugu. Udurugu includes four kinds of pigs lahoa, botuguana, udurugu and udurubasiga, (from the lowest to the highest rank).(85) This is the opening scene of the Bolololi ritual, which is named boemwarovo (boe means “a pig,” mwa means “it,” and rovo means “to run”). During boemwarovo, many men run slowly one after another in a zigzag fashion on the ritual ground.
After running they stand at the end of the ritual ground with pigs. They give the pigs to the novice, namely, central figure of this Bolololi ritual. While a man is running, his female
kin, such as his sisters, mothers, and so
on rush to the ritual ground and run (or
dance) after the man while raising their
hands. This action is called vwelu.
(86) The man runs or dances to the rhythm
of the slit-drums. Many kinds of rhythms
exist; these include boraba and tigo.
(87) The literal translation of bwanan naturigi is “a large red mat for the child.” Some
of these mats are given to the child as his
(88) Vuro means “a debt.” It is one of the important
concepts concerning the gift-exchange system
in North Raga. Vuro is a gift that requires a counter-gift.
It is usually given to someone without his
requesting it; therefore, he becomes indebted
(89) This is the scene called bwanluluHi, in which the mats of the daughters of the
man (who is the central figure in this Bolololi) and those of his father’s sisters are
(90) She received a mat that differed from
her own at the bwanlulungi exchange.
(91) As frequently mentioned, a mat being
put on one’s head should go to one’s father
or father’s sister. In this context, David
Tevimule writes that those mats will go to
the men who brought pigs to the ritual ground.
However, these men are not necessarily his
real or classificatory fathers.
(92) If a man plants pandanus, called veveo, he can get many pandanus leaves, which
are woven by women to make large white mats.
If he has many large white mats, he can send
them to Central Pentecost to dye them red.
When red mats are made, they are carried
by women who dance to the rhythm of boraba or tigo.
(93) Whereas the verb lol means “to do,” the verb loli means “to do Bolololi”.
(94) This is usually the classificatory father
of the child.
(95) In the original, David Tevimule wrote
Sections 6 and 7.
(96) Today, these things are purchased in
the Bolololi.