Job title Professor
Graduate Art, Culture and Society Studies
Faculty Contemporary Culture and Society
DB http://kuid.ofc.kobe-u.ac.jp/InfoSearch/html/researcher/researcher_fFRpl2R597nO-IBQ3mbe3w_ja.html?q=岩本+和子&backtoResultPath=View.do
Mail iwamotok(AT)kobe-u.ac.jp
Research Field European Art And Culture,French And Belgian Literature
Keywords Belgian Culture, Multiculturalism, French Literature, Stendhal
Affiliation International Comparative Literature Association. Association des Amis de Stendhal
Activity 1)"For the Politics of Arts in Asian Community - On the analogy of Belgian Politics-",The Culture and the Philosophy of Asian Community,2002
2)"Quelques aspects de la creation dans la correspondance entre Henri Beyle et sa soeur Pauline", International Institute for Advanced Studies (IIAS), 2009
Language French, English

Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University Faculty of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University
Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University
Faculty of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University