1)Vevhurin  Raga,   hurin  lolianana   ata  la   bwativun     tavua.
 story of   Raga   about  happening  in   at   beginning of   everything

2)Vevhurin   Raga.   Keki  la   bwativun     tavua.
story of     Raga   this   at   beginning of   everything

3)Tagaro        God1)
  Vin'gaga       Angel
  Vatanggele     Paradise
  Bwatmahanga   Holy Spirit
 (Vui Sabuga)
  Kalkaliana      Satan

4)Tagaro  ratahina    nu    sigai.   Bwatmahanga   ratahina   nu     sigai. Tagaro  non
 Tagaro  his mother  she-p.   no   Bwatmahanga   his mother  she-p.  no   Tagaro  his

mwalanggelo (ivusi).   Bwatmahanga  non  mwalanggelo  Subwe  gaituvwa.  Tagaro  nu
young fellow (many)   Bwatmahanga  his   young fellow Subwe  one     Tagaro  he-p.

tau   vanua  Mwaevo. Bwatmahanga  nu    tau   ginau  rahu2)  mai  ririvuana  nu
make island   Maewo  Bwatmahanga  he-p.  make  thing  living   and   plant    he-p.

tau  Raga. Tagaro  nu  togo  a   Mwaevo.  Bwatmahanga  nu    to   Raga  Anserehubwe
make Raga Tagaro he-p.  stay  at  Maewo   Bwatmahanga  he-p.  stay  Raga  Anserehubwe

5) Ira    tarua    vanuara   nu   hae aten tahi,  mwa  mamaha.  Tagaro  nu
 pl.  two fellows their islands it-p.  rise above sea  it-n.  dry     Tagaro  he-p.

dorodoron    maragai  ute   Mwaevo  gi  tanona.   Ta  Bwatmahanga  nu   doron
  love    very much  place  Maewo  as  his place  but  Bwatmahanga  he-p.  love

ute   Anserehubwe  gi     tanona.
place Anserehubwe   as    his place

Tavaluna 1
Chapter 1

1) Tagaro   nu  tai3)  wanggana  a  Mwaevo,  nu  wehi   avua(,)  nu    hiri
 Tagaro  he-p. make  his canoe  at  Maewo  he-p.  kill   turtle   he-p.  scratch
bweguna[bwalana]4) gi  matan   gan mwanggaru  i   ige,   i    nu   tai
its shell        as  hook of  his flying fish  and  fish  and  he-p.  cut

gaovunga(,)  nu    tangoe  gin   limana(,)  nu  vauhi   non  mata  ginia,
gaovunga   he-p.  twist it  with  his hand  he-p.  tie    his   hook  with it

nu    vauhi  vatoton   wanggana   (i)  ivua[ivuana]  gin   gaovunga,[.] Ta  nu
he-p.   tie  vatoto of   his canoe (and) ivua[its ivua]  with  gaovunga   but  he-p.

tai  garabihu(,)  (nu)   tai[taia]    gi  gain     non  mata  i    non   binihiva
cut garabihu   (he-p.)  cut[cut it]  as  wood of   his  hook  and   his  thinking

be,   kea   vi   gan  mwanggaru,[.] kea   nu    sogai    wanggana(,)   nu    hua
that  now  he-f.  eat  flying fish   then  he-p.  push    his canoe    he-p.  paddle

vai    lol   vwavwana  huri   gan   mwanggaru.
toward  in   open sea   to    eat   flying fish

2) Tagaro,  kea    la  wanggana   lol  tahi   lol  vwavwana  i     nu    gita  vinun
  Tagaro  he ind.  at  his canoe  in  sea   in   open sea  and   he-p.  see   skin of

mena      gan  Bwatmahanga(.)  nu   hala[halhala]  la   raun       tahi   nu
ripe banana   of  Bwatmahanga   it-p.    float     on   surface of    sea   it-p.

hivo      aben wanggana,  kea5)   nu   lai[laia]      nu[mwa]    gitae   be
come down near  his canoe he ind.  he-p.  take[take it]  he-p.[he-n.]  see it  that

nu   tavuha,  nu[mwa]    to[do]  mwa    biviloe   radui[radu]   vinu[vinun]
it-p.  good,   he-p.[he-n.]  tay    he-n.  check    still       skin [skin of]

mena      gea;  Hangge  Bwatmahanga  (i)   Subwe,  vwate  nin   ira  tarua     keki
ripe banana  that  then   Bwatmahanga  (and) Subwe   one   from  pl.  two fellows  these

nu   huhui   man  niu     mwa   dadaruhi,   i    langi  nu[mwa]     herei
he-p. drill     his  coconut  it-n.   spring out  and  wind   it-p.[it-n.]   blow away

daruhina[dadaruhina]   vai   lol   vwavwana   i    mehon   niu     nu[mwa]   voro[boro]
thing springing out   toward  in    open sea  and   drop of  coconut  it-p.[it-n.]  arrive

alun liman Tagaro(.)  ke[kea]   Tagaro  nu[mwa]    mean   ute  meho   gea
on hand of Tagaro   therefore Tagaro  he-p.[he-n.]  lick   place  dripped  that

la limana    ta   nu   gologolo, ta   langi   nu    hivo          gi  gauna
at his hand   but it-p.    sweet  but  wind   it-p.  go to the north   as  south wind

{kea}     nu [ mwa]  hua    daligi  vai    Raga,    kea         nu[mwa]
{he ind.} he-p.[he-n.]  paddle   hard  toward  Raga   nevertheless   he-p.[he-n.]

hae[hua]6)   mulei  (vai)   Mwaevo.
go up[paddle]  back  (toward)  Maewo

1)These are Father David's translations.
2)Ginau rahu means “animal".
3)The meaning of tai is “to cut”. Canoes are made by cutting wood.
4)Bweguna is a word used for a soft husk or nutshell. Bwalana is used for a strong husk or
  nutshell. The shell of a turtle should be called bwalana.
5)It is very difficult to determine the meaning of kea(or gea). In this case it may mean Tagaro,
  may mean vinun mena, or may mean “then". I adopted the first meaning here. The systematic use
  of kea(or gea) needs further linguistic analysis.
6)Tagaro is in between Maewo and Raga. When he goes back to Maewo, he goes to the north. But hae
  means “to go to the south". Therefore Mr. Richard Leona replaced the word hae with the word
  hua, which is neutral. However, as we will see, Father David uses the word hae throughout this
  this myth when somebody goes to Maewo from Raga.

3) Tagaro  nu[mwa]    uloi  Bwatmahanga,  (be)  nam  hagatu  ta  langi(,)   namen
  Tagaro  he-p.[he-n.] call  Bwatmahanga  (dn.)  I-n.  go up   but  wind    I-nf.

vano[van] mulei  vai   {a}  Mwaevo, ta   nam  gita  # gam  ginau
go back      toward {at}  Maewo  but  I-n.  see   your   thing

nu   hala   na  vinuna  nu   hivatu  # [ vinun  gam  ginau  mwa
it-p.  float  foc. its skin  it-p.  reach   [skin of   your  thing   it-n.

halhala mwa himai]  i   daruhin[dadaruhin]   mam  wai   gologolo,  gov   gitae
float it-n. come]  and   thing springing out  your  water  sweet   you-f.  see it

be   wangga  vi    hae   mulei  la  vwavwanhao {a}  Mwaevo, gov    vohai
that  canoe  it-f.  go up  again   at  beach     {at} Maewo   you-f.  throw

te    gaku      i   manggu.     Bwatmahanga,  nu[mwa]    vwaliu[bwaliua]    be
some food of mine and  drink of mine Bwatmahanga   he-p.[he-n.] answer[answer it]  dn.

aingga7).  Tagaro nu    hua vava   nu[mwa]   hae   mulei {a}  Mwaevo,
I see    Tagaro he-p. paddle cont. he-p.[he-n.] go up   again {at} Maewo

nu    rav vuvuri  wangga[wanggana]  vai   a  ute,  {kea}  nu[mwa]   veve[bevea]
he-p. draw copl.   canoe[his canoe] toward at shore {then} he-p.[he-n.] say [say it]

be  hitate8)  vohania[vohainira]       mai , [.] Tagaro  nu[mwa]     vavarahi[bavarahi]
dn.         come throw it[throw them] come   Tagaro  he-p.[he-n.]    straddle

hurin bwabwa nu[mwa]    rarau    vai    Raga  nu[mwa]    taba[daba]  lalangan
at    cliff  he-p.[he-n.] hold out  toward  Raga  he-p.[he-n.]  catch     every

ginau  rivu[rivrivu] duluai  vai    {a} Mwaevo , [.] garigi Mwaevo  tam
thing  planting    all   toward  {at} Maewo    today Maewo  we-n.-in.

bev[beve] be  Tagaro  nu    taba gan   vwai9) gai.
say     that Tagaro  he-p. catch his   every fruit tree

4) Hangge  nu[mwa]  taro[daro]  tavuha  na  tahi Tagaro  nu[mwa]    sogai
  then  it-p.[it-n.]  weather    good  foc.  sea Tagaro  he-p.[he-n.]  push

wanggana   nu[mwa]   hua    vai   Raga(,)  nu     hae   Avathubwe, i
his canoe he-p.[he-n.]  paddle  oward  Raga   he-p.   go up  Avathubwe and

ramuru    dogo  mai   Bwatmahangga. Tagaro  nu   gita   ginau  duluai  bilan
they-n.two stay   with  Bwatmahanga  Tagaro  he-p. see   thing   all   of

Bwatmahanga, nu   rong  mwa  davuha10) ginia , [.] Tagaro  nu   sororongoi   ta
Bwatmahanga he-p. hear  it-n . good     with it   Tagaro he-p.  hear it    but

Bwatmahanga  mwa  beve be Tagaro,  gov   van  mulei  sa  taru
Bwatmahanga  he-n. say  dn. Tagaro  you-f.  go  back   or  we-in. two

vi   maturu? Tagaro   nu[mwa]    vwaliu[bwaliu] Bwatmahanga  be,    taru      vi
we-f. sleep?  Tagaro he-p.[he-n.]    answer      Bwatmahanga  dn. we-in. two  we-f.

maturu kun  hanigi? Bwatmahanga nu[mwa]    veve[beve] be  tuhuba  gov
sleep  like  what?  Bwatmahanga he-p.[he-n.]   say    dn.  wait   you-f.

gitae.  Ute     vi  meto(,)     taru   si11)  hav  gita  te   ginau  gaha
see it  place  it-f.  dark    we-in. two  he-f.  not  see  neg.  thing  now
ram    du12)    taru      vi     to  ngan   sososori  ta  gov   rong
they-n.  exist   we-in. two    we-f.  stay  only   together  but you-f.  hear

nonggu avoana, nav  rong  nomwa   ta   nasav13)  gitago    te,    i
my   word    I-f.  hear  yours    but  I-f. not    see you   neg.  and

gosav14)   gitau   te ,  hangge   tamuru   maturu  matamwa  vi   bwinga
you-f. not  see me  neg.  then  we-n.-in. two sleep   your eye  it-f.  shut

binihihimwa   vi  vano gov     eno     kun   vatu.
your thinking it-f.  go  you-f.  lie down   like   stone

5) Tagaro nu    vwaliu Bwatmahanga  be,  tuhuba  taru      vi     lago   ba
  Tagaro he-p. answer  Bwatmahanga  dn.  wait    we-in. two we-f.    walk   to

lol     nodaru  dovongana,  mwa  davai   tamuru        en    vatu vwai,
make our-in. two monument   it-n. carefull  we-n.-in. two  lie down    always

nonggu mwalanggelo   ram[rav]      mai   nin  {a} Mwaevo  ta
my   young fellow   they-n.[they-f.] come  from {at} Maewo  but

ute   (vi)  meto[malinggo]15) wasi, # ram   hav # [rasav]      habweau  te[tehe],
place (it-f.)     dark      strong  they-n. not   [they-f. not]   find me    neg.

Bwatmahanga  be  ke[kea]  vi   rani  mulei, Tagaro  be,  bere
Bwatmahanga  dn. i t ind.  it-f.  bright again  Tagaro  dn.  careful

nam   en  vatu vwai  gi vatu  sa  hano,  taru      vi   lol    nodaru
I-n. lie down always   as stone  or what  we-in. two we-f.  make   our-in. two

dovongana amua,  vi   ran[rani] ta # nam  hav # [nasav]  tomare   te[tehe],  i
monument first   it-f. bright    but  I-n.  not [I-f. not]  stand up    neg.   and

 [ta]   nonggu  mwalanggelo  rav    mai   ta   rav    gita  tanon    limanggu.
 [but] my young    fellow   they-f.  come  but  they-f.  see  place of   my hand

Bwatmahanga  nu    vwaliu Tagaro {,} (be) matu16) taru      vi   lol  hano?
Bwatmahanga  he-p. answer Tagaro   (dn.) but    we-in. two we-f. make  what?

Tagaro be, taru      vi   vohai   nodaru  vatu,  ngav[nav]   voha17)
Tagaro dn. we-in. two we-f.  pile  our-in. two stone  I-f.      pile

nonggu be[gabe],     nonggu  mwalanggelo  rav      tu     {a} Mwaevo  rav
mine  so that[which]   my   young fellow   they-f. keep staying {at} Maewo  they-f.

gitae   vi  tu  Raga,  ginggo   gov   voha  nomwa  vi    tu   dagai  hae
see it it-f. exist Raga  you ind. you-f.   pile  yours   it-f. exist   away   high

nin  Tahi Maurin   ute  {a} Mwaevo.
than Sea Rough of  place {at} Maewo

6) Bwatmahanga  nu   vwaliu Tagaro be, hitate:   tamuru    hae,   ramuru
  Bwatmahanga he-p. answer Tagaro dn.  now  we-n.-in. two go up  they-n.two

hae,  Tagaro   nu[mwa]   huri  hala   nu[mwa]   habwe enggeivari   nitun
go up Tagaro  he-p.[he-n.] follow  road he-p.[he-n.]  find   Ngengeivari   child of

  talai,  Atalai,  Bwatmahanga  nu[mwa]     huri  hala   nu[mwa]     habwe
giant clam Atalai  Bwatmahanga  he-p.[he-n.]  follow  road  he-p.[he-n.]   find

Mol-vatu Atano  nitun   matmaita18) la Gatava-Mwaroroa   i, Bwatmahanga  nu[mwa]
Molvatuatano   child of  button shell  at Gatavmwaroroa   and Bwatmahanga  he-p.[he-n.]

garere  vai  bano19) ta Tagaro   nu  voha  Bemoruna  nu   tari
watch toward go     but Tagaro he-p.   pile Bemoruna  he-p.  put
bwatbwatuna[bwatbwatun]   Bemoruna huba,  Bwatmahanga  nu[mwa]    la20) suvwasuvwa
its foundation[foundation of  Bemoruna already Bwatmahanga  he-p.[he-n.]  walk   quickly

nu[mwa]    siv tari bwatbwatun Beivala,    ta, Tagaro  nu   nogoi
he-p.[he-n.] just put foundation of Beivala   but Tagaro he-p.  finish it

Bemoruna huba.  Tagaro nu[mwa]    uloi Bwatmahanga   be  nomwa  te21)  mwa
Bemoruna already Tagaro he-p.[he-n.] call  Bwatmahanga  dn.  yours   some   it-n.

nogo  sa  sigai, ta  Bwatmahanga (mwa beve)  be  mwa  en22) tuhi
finish  or  no  but  Bwatmahanga (he-n. say)  dn.  it-n.  lie    across

bobona  gaha, Tagaro (mwa beve) be  nonggu  hanggea  kunia,  (nomwa)   nu
middle   now Tagaro (he-n. say) dn.  mine   thus   like it  (yours)    it-p.

nogo   gea,  Bwatmahanga mwa   derainia  nu[mwa]     gitae[gita]  Bemoruna
finish like that Bwatmahanga he-n.   leave it  he-p.[he-n.] see it[see]  Bemoruna

(be)   nu  holomare nin Beivala,  sinehantai  non Tagaro.
(that) it-p.  high   than Beivala   trick     of  Tagaro

7)The general meaning of aingga is “I do not know." But in this case it has a positive meaning.
8)Hi! ta! te! has the meaning as “Ready! Go!" or “One, two , three! Go!".
9)The fruit of the mango tree is called vwai-n manggo,and that of the papaia vwai-n bobo. But if they
  want to refer to fruit in general, they say vwai gai.
10)Rong mwa davuha is an idiomatic phrase meaning “happy" or “ satisfied".
11)I am not certain whether si is a variation of vi(future tense particle of third person
  singular) or a short form of siv(just). However in both cases, si seems to indicate the future
12)Du(or tu)is a variation of do(to).The former means“to exist"or“to maintain a certain condition" while   the latter means “to stay" or   “just be". The basic meaning of dogo(togo) is “to sit".
13)Related to Note 11. I am not certain whether nasav is a short form of nav hav or of nam siv hav.
  However, it seems to indicate the future tense.
14)Same as Note 13. It may be gov hav or gom siv hav.
15)Meto means “dark" or “black". Malinggo may be the dark colour of the ti-tree called malinggo.
16)Suppose two people are talking. If one says to the other“Matu!", it sometimes means “Go first!"
17)Voha may be a short form of vohai.
18)Matmaita is a kind of Trochidae. It is big and white(maita means “white").
19)Garere vai bano is an idiomatic phrase meaning “to look toward something remote from the
20)Short form of lago(to walk).
21)Nomwa mwa nogo sa sigai and Nomwa te mwa nogo sa sigai have the same meaning. But the former
  expression is used when the speaker and hearer are competing.

Tavaluna 2
Chapter 2

1)   Ramuru  do   Anserehubwe.  Hangge Bwatmahanga   nu[mwa]    vev[beve]  lalai
  they-n. two stay  Anserehubwe  then   Bwatmahanga  he-p.[he-n.]  say     to

Tagaro be  gom  bevea be23)    tamuru    lol  rovoga  marahi,   men   bongi
Tagaro dn. you-n. say it that    we-n.-in.two make  work   hard    it-nf.   night

  tarumen  maturu. Tagaro (mwa bevea)  be   hita(,)  ute  mwa  masisi
we-nf.-in. two sleep  Tagaro (he-n. say it)  dn.   ok   place it-n.  cold

alo nu[mwa]   matavu, Tagaro   nu  gitae[gita]   ute  mwa  meto  nu[mwa]
sun it-p.[it-n.]  sink   Tagaro  he-p. see it[see]  place  it-n. dark  he-p.[he-n.]

lai   rau nggaria   nu[mwa]    nubwa  ute  meto  aten  bwehale,  nggaria
take leaf  ti tree  he-p.[he-n.] wrap   place  dark  under  beam   ti tree

gea  mwa  uloia[uloi]   radunia be  malinggo,[.]24) hangge  ramuru   maturu  vava.
that it-n.  call it[call it]  still   cm.  malingo      then  they-n. two  sleep   cont.

Tagaro mwa   rongoe  be  toa    ram  dotoreto(,)  manu  ram    ulo,
Tagaro he-n.   hear it that  fowl  they-n.   crow    bird   they-n.   call

  kea  nu[mwa]   uloi Bwatmahanga (mwa hudalia)  be  ginau (kera)
he ind. he-p.[he-n.] call Bwatmahanga (he-n. ask it)   dn. thing (they ind.)

gea    ram  uloi hano? Ta Bwatmahanga (mwa beve) be  ute  men   rani,
those they-n. call what? but Bwatmahanga (he-n. say) dn.  place it-nf.  dawn

Tagaro (mwa beve) be  kunia     taru   vi    lai   te    bilaku,
Tagaro (he-n. say) dn.  like it  we-in. two we-f.  take  some   mine

Bwatmahanga (mwa beve)  be   hita.
Bwatmahanga (he-n. say)  dn.   ok

22)Short form of eno.
23)It is reasonable here to regard be as a particle introducing either direct narration or indirect
  narration. There are many cases in which either will do.
24)This passage should be translated as a passive expression. The meaning of the underlined
  objective particle is referred to by the arrow.

2) Hangge  ute  mwa  rani,    Tagaro (mwa beve) be  inau   na[nan]  tau
  then  place it-n. daybreake  Tagaro (he-n. say) dn.  I ind.   I[I-p.]  make

alo    tamuru     en   bongi  gea   nam  binihi  be   nom   bongi
sun we-n.-in. two lie down  night  that   I-n.  think  that  your   night

mwa  lol   hantai   nonggu  alo   ta   kahangga    ngan  mwa   nggigita:   garigi
it-n. make   bad     my    sun  but   over there   only  it-n.    shine   today

   taru   vi   van (vai)   la  vanuanggu  a Mwaevo,  nav  tugu   gaon
we-in. two we-f.  go (toward) at  my land   at Maewo   I-f.  untie   rope of

bilaku   bongi    ba    gov    gitae,   be     vi  bongi  la  vanuanggu  sa
my    night    so that  you-f.  see it  whether  it-f.  night  at  my land    or

sigai,  be  sigai  gov   {sav}  tau  bongi  lalaiau,  ta Bwatmahanga (mwa beve)
no    if   no  you-f.  {not} make  night  to me  but Bwatmahanga (he-n. say)

be     taru   vi   vano  gov   to   mai  wanggamwa(,)  nai25) mai  mulei
dn. we-in. two  we-f.  go  you-f.  stay with  your canoe   I-f.    come  back

hanigi(.)  matu  gov   tugu  gaon   bilam  bongi  vi  bongi  ta   nam
how    but  you-f.  untie  rope of  your  night  it-f.  night  but  I-n.

do   Raga nav  gitae  gabe  ute Mwaevo   vi  meto, Tagaro mwa
stay Raga  I-f.  see it  that place Maewo  it-f.  dark  Tagaro he-n.

 hua  mulei   vai  {a} Mwaevo mwa  botu,  Bwatmahanga  nu[mwa]    garere
paddle back  toward {at} Maewo he-n.  reach Bwatmahanga  he-p.[he-n.]  watch

ta   mwa    lenga[lengai]     vanua {ta}  Mwaevo  nu[mwa]   malinggo  meto.
but  he-n. not know[not know it]  island {but} Maewo   it-p.[it-n.]  dark    dark

3) Bwatmahanga   nu  tai   wanggana   gaona  unu,  gaon   non   mata
  Bwatmahanga he-p. make  his canoe   its rope unu  rope of  his   hook

 vinu mangiri  gaituvwa  nu  sis      taritari houa,    kea   non   mata
coconut husk    one  he-p. tie  joining make it a line   it ind.  his   hook

tutuin     gire(,)   gain    non mata ngaduariu[ngadungaduariu](,)  gan  ige
prickle of pandanus wood of   his hook piece of reed            his  fish

vileba,   kea nu   siv van atagun Tagaro   vai  {a} Mwaevo, Tagaro
trevally then he-p. just go after   Tagaro toward {at} Maewo Tagaro

 nu[mwa]     gitae   ta  mwa  do   lol tahi,  nu[mwa]   vev[bevea]  lalai  non
he-p.[he-n.]  see him  but he-n.  stay  in sea  he-p.[he-n.] say[say it]   to   his

mwalanggelo be gin26) gel lulu  lol   gamali    giv   lai dagai  tanogina
young fellow dn. you-n.  dig hole in men's house you-f. take out   its earth

ba  dahulinia   giv   lai   vatu   bulbea  gairua(,)     tanonggu    vi
to  hide in it  you-f.  take  stone  bulbea   two   my sitting place   it-f.

en nggoro   bwangon  lulu,     tanon   Bwatmahanga vi   en ngan
lie shutting mouth of  hole sitting place of Bwatmahanga it-f.  lie  only

abena     garu    vi    to aluna[alura].     Giv   tun    gamali,   nav
near it  we-ex. two we-f. stay  on it[on them]  you-f.   fire men's house  I-f.

  horae   be    vi   bwihavare(,)  inau  nav oda  ta   nav  langge   bulbea
send him so that he-f.    go out    I ind.  I-f. burn  but  I-f.   lift up   bulbea

nav   hiv   lol  lulu(,)     kea    vi    binihi  be   nam  oda.
I-f. go down  in  hole  in that case  he-f.   think  that  I-n.  burn

25)Nai is a variant form of nav.
26)In Raga the past tense is sometimes used when they want to express an action which must
  be done as soon as the speech is over.

4) Tagaro  nu[mwa]     hivo    vai    an  tahi   ramuru   rava[rav]  wanggan
  Tagaro he-p.[he-n.]  go down  toward  at  sea  they-n. two  draw    canoe of

Bwatmahanga, Tagaro nu[mwa]    hudali Bwatmahanga   be    gon  to    {a}
Bwatmahanga Tagaro he-p.[he-n.]  ask   Bwatmahanga   dn.  you-p.  stay {at}

Raga  gon   gita  nonggu  bongi, Bwatnahanga   be,  ue,  nan  gitae.  Tagaro
Raga you-p.  see   my   night   Bwatmahanga   dn. yes  I-p.  see it  Tagaro

mwa  nggilon be nonggu  mwalanggelo   ram    siv  rong  mwa  davuha10) gabe
he-n.  tell  dn.  my     young fellow  they-n.  just hear  it-n.  good      that

 ram   maturu, alo   mwa # havan  nggubainira # [havwanira]  ute rani,   taru
they-n. sleep   sun  it-n.   heat   heat them [heat them]    daytime  we-in. two

 hae   la    gamali.    Gov   gita  nonggu  mataisao  vwate    garigi(,)  nan
go up   at  men's house  you-f. see    my   knowledge  another  today   I-p.

matu  Siaraga     nam gita nom  mataisao  ivusi,  ramuru   hae     vai
 go  men of Raga   I-n. see your knowledge many they-n.two  go up   toward

la  gamalin       Tagaro,  ramuru     haroro. Tagaro mwa  hora  Bwatmahanga
at men's house of   Tagaro they-n.two  go inside Tagaro he-n. send  Bwatmahanga

 nu    togo  la  bulbea vwate  i   Tagaro   nu   to   la  vwate
he-p. sit down  at bulbea  one  and  Tagaro  he-p. stay   at  other

 nu  en  nggoro   lulu  gabe    ran   gelia,  hangge Tagaro   nu[mwa]
it-p.  lie shutting  hole  which they-p.  dig it   then  Tagaro  he-p.[he-n.]

   hora    Bwatmahanga  be   gov  bwihavare  gov   lai  gabi  gov  tun
send a word  Bwatmahanga  dn.  you-f.   go out  you-f. take fire  you-f.  fire

   gamali   aluku,     kea    gabi  nu   rihu  maragai27)  nin  ginau
men's house for me  in that case  fire  it-p. move  very much   than  thing

ivusi(,)  ta   nasav  oda  te,  Bwatmahanga  nu[mwa]   bwihavare   nu[mwa]
many  but  I-f. not  burn neg. Bwatmahanga  he-p.[he-n.]  go out    he-p.[he-n.]

 lai gabi  nu[mwa]    tumus[dumus]     gamali   nu[mwa]   oda,
take fire  he-p.[he-n.]   set fire to   men's house  it-p.[it-n.]  burn

kea  Tagaro nu[mwa]    langge   vatu  bulbea gabe    nu   to   aluna
then Tagaro he-p.[he-n.]  lift up  stone bulbea  which  he-p. stay   on it

kea   nu[mwa]     hiv   lol lulu,    gamali   nu[mwa]    oda,  {kea} nu
then he-p.[he-n.]  go down in  hole men's house  it-p.[it-n.]  burn {it ind.} it-p.

oda  vuvuri Tagaro   nu[mwa]   uloi Bwatmahanga be,  inau  radu
burn  copl.  Tagaro he-p.[he-n.]  call Bwatmahanga dn.  I ind.  still

keki  nam  hav oda  tehe.
this  I-n.  not  burn neg.

5) Bwatmahanga, {kea}     nu[mwa]  binihi  masigi ! Tagaro   be,  tua
  Bwatmahanga {he ind.} he-p.[he-n.]  think  true!   Tagaro   dn.  brother

keki gaha  nam  ilo   ute  huri    halan  ginau  ivusi  nin  amua(,)  gabi
this now  I-n.  know more  about  way of  thing  many  than  first   fire

momom  bului nonggu mataisao   nav  mom  dau   mulei  ginau ivusi  nin[ninia]
  do   help   my  knowledge  I-f.  do   make  again thing  many  than[than it]

gabe     tamuru   daua   huba,    keki  gaha  nav  tau    atatu    gi
that  we-n.-in. two  make it  already  this  now   I-f.  make   person   as
  buluin    nonggu  mwalanggelo  hangvulu   gabe  nan    taura,    ram    do
assistant of    my  young fellow    ten     whom   I-p.  make them  they-n.  stay

gi  nonggu  ihora,  ta   gabi  nu   vev[vevea]   lalaiau   be,   atatu   nav
as   my  servant  but  fire  it-p.   say[say it]   to me   that  person  I-f.

  taura    nav  uloinia[uloinira]   be  vavine,  ta,    kea      ginggo   Ratahigi
make them   I-f.  call it[call them]  cm.  woman  but for all that   you ind.   chief

Bwatmahanga  goro  Subwe  gaituvwa  i    tamuru     siv  habwe  naturigi  gabe
Bwatmahanga  above Subwe    one  and  we-n.-in. two just   find    child   who

nitun    bwalavatu28) i     talai     i   gom    lol  nggagarasi  nom  mwalanggelo
child of   shellfish    and  giant clam  and  you-n.  make  cruel   your   young fellow

gaituvwa gabe Subwe  mwa  do   mwa      bangang dalinira      rav
  one  who Subwe  he-n.  stay he-n.   feed them with difficulty   they-f.

lalavoaga   vai   ngava,    gov   oda   kunia    tamuru    dau  sinobu  lol
big man  toward  long time  you-f.  burn  like it  we-n.-in. two make  people  on

  matan   tano    vi votu   ngolin  vanua   Tamwaevo,   i   ngolin   vanua
surface of  ground it-f . reach  top of   land  man of Maewo  and  top of   land

 Sia-Raga.  Bwatmahanga be, # hita tehe#[hitate]. Tagaro  nu[mwa]   veve[bevea]
men of Raga Bwatmahanga dn.      ok         Tagaro  he-p.[he-n.]  say[say it]

lalai Bwatmahanga be     taru  van mulei   vai    SiaRaga,    gov   oda   lol
to  Bwatmahanga dn.  we-in. two go back  toward  men of Raga  you-f.  burn   in

  gamalimwa     mau.
your men's house   own

27)Rihu maragai is an idiomatic phrase meaning “strong".
28)Bwalavatu is a general word for shellfish. However it is often used to indicate matmaita
  (button shell).

Tavaluna 3
Chapter 3

1) Hangge Tagaro  mai  Bwatmahanga   ramuru    rav   wanggara     vai    lol  tahi
  then  Tagaro  and  Bwatmahanga  they-n.two  draw  their canoes   toward  in  sea

 ramuru    hua   vai  Raga,  kera     ramuru    hae   Anserehubwe.
they-n.two paddle toward Raga  they ind.  they-n.two  go up  Anserehubwe

Bwatmahanga  nu[mwa]     binihi masigi29) duluai  avoana  gabe   Tagaro nu
Bwatmahanga  he-p.[he-n.]  think   true     all   his word  which Tagaro he-p.

vev[vevea] lalainia lol      saran        gamali   oda  Mwaevo. Bwatmahanga
say[say it]  to him in  dancing place of  men's house  burn Maewo  Bwatmahanga

 nu[mwa]   vev[bevea] lalai Subwe mai  nitun    talai      i    nitun
he-p.[he-n.]  say[say it] to  Subwe and  child of  giant clam  and   child of

matmaita    be, giv      tu      ban  hautu     hahavwani[hahavwanin]  gabi
button shell  dn. you-f.  keep staying  go   far away     heat[heat of]     fire

bere     havwan  rebehimwa.  Subwe be  gabi  hahavwani  gabe hano?  Hangge
otherwise   heat  your body   Subwe dn.  fire   heat     which what?  then

Bwatmahanga be gabi  non Tagaro  mwa nggan  ginau  mwa  nogo    ginia(,)
Bwatmahanga dn. fire  of   Tagaro he-n. eat  thing  it-n.  cooked   with it

  gida     tam   gan  mena       tam    min   niu      ngan.
we-in.ind. we-n.-in.  eat  ripe banana  we-n.-in.  drink  coconut   only

2) Hangge Bwatmahanga  nu[mwa]    vev[bevea]  lalai  Subwe be  ginau  duluai
  then  Bwatmahanga  he-p.[he-n.]  say[say it]  to   Subwe dn.  thing  all

gabe   nan vohainia[vohainira]   nu   tabae    na  Tagaro   kea    nu
which  I-p. throw it[throw them]  he-p. catach it  foc. Tagaro  he ind.   he-p.

tunua[tunura]   lol    gamalina    mwa  nggania[ngganira]   maira     non
fire it[fire them]  in his men's house  he-n.  eat it[eat them]  with them   his

mwalanggelo   hangvulu. Tagaro nu[mwa]    uloi Subwe be  gov
young fellow    ten   Tagaro he-p.[he-n.] call Subwe dn.  you-f.

gan  gina  mwa   nogo   vi    tura   lolomwa    nin  gabe  gom   nggan
eat  thing  it-n.  cooked  it-f.  support  your body  than  that  you-n.  eat

nggalai      mena     gom  rihu   madamada ginia,[.]  bilamiru  lalangan  ginau
everytime ripe banana  you-n.  move   soft   with it   your two  every   thing

duluai gabe    giru   vohainia[vohainira]    vai   {a} Mwaevo   nan  tabae
 all  which  you two  throw it[throw them] toward {at} Maewo   I-p.   catch it

 [tabara],   nam dunua[dunura]  ram    gania[ganira]     na  nonggu  mwalanggelo
[catch them] I-n. fire it[fire them] they-n.  eat it[eat them]  foc.   my   young fellow

mwa[ram]     dura   lolora;     nam  horara     ram    hanggo  vusi  holomare
it-n.[they-n.] support  their bodies  I-n.  send them  they-n.  hold    hill   high

kahangga    ram    du Mwaevo(,)  ram   muramura  la  bilamiru     ginau.
over there they-n.  exist Maewo   they-n.  powerful  with  your two   thing

 Mai ! Bwatmahanga  nan[nav]  tunua[tunugo]   mwa[gov]    mwa    nogo.
Come! Bwatmahanga   I-p.[I-f.]  fire him[fire you]  he-n.[you-f.]  it-n.   cooked

3) Tagaro  nu   uloi Bwatmahanga mai Subwe be   tam     dol
  Tagaro he-p.  call Bwatmahanga and Subwe dn.  we-n.-in.  three

bev huri   mwa ngava(,)   hae  lol    gamali    nav  tun   gamali(,)
  chat   it-n.  long   go up  in  men's house  I-f.  fire  men's house

gov   oda  vuvuri   gov  ilo    didini  halan    ginau  kuniau(,)   taru
you-f. burn   copl. you-f.  know  clearly  way of   thing  like me   we-in. two

  vi  tau   vanua  vwate    vi   togo kahangga    lol  vwavwana  vuroi
we-f.  make  island  another  it-f.  stay  over there  in  open sea   empty

  taru     vi   uloinia  be Tabae,   hurin   ihan  bilan   lalangan  ginau
we-in. two we-f.   call it  cm. Ambae  following  name   of     every  thing

gabe    ran  voha30) lolon limanggu   nan[nam]  marabutu  nam  dabae
which they-p. throw    inside  my hand  I-p.[I-n.]  straddle   I-n.   catch it

 [dabara],   Subwe be gabi behe,  ira   tarua?    Tagaro be gabi
[catch them] Subwe dn. fire where  pl.  two fellows? Tagaro dn. fire

keki. Bwatmahanga  be ke[keh](!) Tagaro!    taru     vinihi malioi  gabi  nu
this  Bwatmahanga  dn. oh     Tagaro!  we-in. two     forget   fire  it-p.

tu   mwa   oda   gain      gamalimwa    {a} Mwaevo(.)  gom  beve  be
exist  it-n.  burn  wood of  your men's house {at} Maewo   you-n.  say  dn.

gabi  keki (take)  sigai  lol  limamwa,  Tagaro  mwa  bolohi roto31)
fire  this (but)    no  in  your hand   Tagaro  he-n.  break off

bwaruruguna  vwate  mwa  oda  gi  gabi  nu[mwa]   visirai[bisirai]  ninia.
his finger     one  it-n.  burn  as  fire  it-p.[it-n.]   come out   from it

29)In this case binihi masigi is an idiomatic phrase meaning “to believe".
30)Passive expression.
31)Bolohi means “to crack one's finger joints", and roto means “two pieces".

4) Bwatmahanga  nu[mwa]   haroro lol   gamali    nu[mwa]   hae  nu[mwa]
  Bwatmahanga he-p.[he-n.] enter  in men's house he-p.[he-n.] go up he-p.[he-n.]

hora dagai Subwe mai naturigi gairua(,)   nitun   talai     (i)
send away Subwe and child    two   child of giant clam  (and)

 nitun   matmaita    ram      du      ban  hautu,[.]  Tagaro  nu[mwa]
child of  button shell  they-n.  keep staying  go   far away Tagaro  he-p.[he-n.]

  sogai   bwaruruguna  gabi  aluna(.)  nu[mwa]   oda  na    gamali    mwa
stick out    his finger   fire  on it   it-p.[it-n.]  burn  foc.  men's house  it-n.

  birimui   kea Tagaro nu[mwa]     uv nggoro   lol  matan  Subwe
burn briskly then Tagaro he-p.[he-n.] blow shutting on  face of  Subwe

  be   iloute    non  Bwatmahanga   vi  mataltala  nin  bwatun  Subwe,  bere
so that  knowledge  of  Bwatmahanga  it-f.  vanish   from head of  Subwe  otherwise

gem    ilo radu mataisao non Bwatmahanga non ratahigi  gem   lavoa
he-n. know still knowledge of  Bwatmahanga his  chief   he-n.   big

atagun  mateanan Bwatmahanga,  Bwatmahanga  be  awo ,  awo!  Tagaro
 after  death of  Bwatmahanga   Bwatmahanga  dn.  ouch!  ouch!  Tagaro

gom    ruruhiau   namen bwihavare, Tagaro  nu   tatal     non  bwatitalai
you-n. deceive me    I-nf.  go out   Tagaro he-p.  shoulder  his   axe

 nu[mwa]   varahi[barahi]   nggoro  gatava  be     vi   bwihavare  vi
he-p.[he-n.]  stand in     shutting  door  so that  he-f.    go out  he-f.

taia,    Bwatmahanga  nu[mwa]   haharigi   be,  awo awo!     Subwe  ginggo
cut him  Bwatmahanga he-p.[he-n.]  shout    dn.  ouch! ouch!   Subwe  you ind.

behe?  Take Tagaro   nu  uv   kaburai  iloute     non  Subwe  ninia.
where?  but  Tagaro he-p.  blow  away  knowledge   of  Subwe   from him

Bwatmahanga  nu[mwa]     hae  la   gaimahanga   be    vi    dule  la
Bwatmahanga  he-p.[he-n.] go up   at central pillar  so that  he-f.  hang  at

gaihubwe  vi    bwihi siv[sivi]  utebwiribwiri  ta  gabi  nu[mwa]
ridge pole  he-f.  go through   utebwiribwiri  but  fire  it-p.[it-n.]

oda  dalis    gamali     huba(.)  kea      nu   oda   mai   gaihubwe32).
burn round  men's house  already  therefore  he-p.  burn  with   ridge pole

5) Nitun   talai     mai   nitun   matmaita     ramuru   huri  ihan   ute  gea
 child of  giant clam  and  child of  button shell  they-n.two call  name of  place that

gi Labwaru, (huria)       be  bwarun  Bwatmahanga   ran  tavinia Anserehubwe nu
as Labwaru (because of it) that  grave of Bwatmahanga they-p. dig it  Anserehubwe he-p.

oda  la gaihubwe      kea   nu   mate gin   sinehantai  non Tagaro, be   kea
burn at ridge pole  in that way he-p.  dead with  jealousy    of Tagaro that  he ind.

ngan  men  lavoa gahena,  be sinobu    rav  vovora nin   lol  matan    tano
only  he-nf.  big  himself  that people they-f.  born  from  on  surface of  ground

ta    rav    iloe  gaituvwa ngan,  be  rav     binihia (be)  kea   ngan  nu
but they-f.  know it   one   only that  they-f. think it (that)  he ind.  only  he-p.

tau  ginau duluai gaha.  Sa atatu mulei  vi[rai]33)    vev[veve]    be
make thing all    now  or person also  he-f.[they-f.]    say     that

 kea   nu    taura     mwa   hanggea.
he ind. he-p.  make them   it-n.    so

6) Tagaro mwa   uloi Subwe,  mai  teti,  Subwe  mai  naturigi  gairua  kea
  Tagaro he-n.  call Subwe  come here  Subwe  and  child    two  those

 nitun    talai      (i)    nitun    matmaita,[.]    i     nu   vev
child of  giant clam   (and)  child of   button shell  and   he-p.   say

lalainira  be  Bwatmahanga  nu   oda   mwa    eno  nu   hav   rihu
to them  dn.  Bwatmahanga he-p.  burn  he-n. lie down  it-p.  not   move

te   maragai27)  na   gulina  kun  guliku,  inau  nan  oda  ta   guliku
neg. very much   foc.  his skin  as  my skin  I ind.  I-p.  burn  but  my skin

nu   wasi  nam  ahu dum  nin  gabi.  Kunia  hanggea  inau Tagaro
it-p. strong  I-n.  live  can  from fire   like it  really   I ind. Tagaro

nan tau  Bwatmahanga  ginggo34) Subwe (i)   kimiru   naturigi   i
I-p. make Bwatmahanga   you   Subwe (and)  you two   child   and

ginau duluai  lol  vanua {a} Raga {a}   (i) Mwaevo. Abae be Tabae.
thing  all    in  island {at} Raga {at} (and) Maewo Ambae cm. Tabae

Tagaro  nu  vev   lai[lalai] ira  naturigi  be  giru      vi    huri
Tagaro he-p.  say  to     pl.   child   dn . you two  you-f.  follow

nonggu  doron lol ginau duluai.  I   nu   veve  lalai Subwe  be  gov
my    desire in thing  all   and  he-p.  say   to Subwe  dn.  you-f.

hanggo  imwamwa  gov     maturu  la  utebwiribwiri  gin26)  binihi mulei
have  your house  you-f.   sleep   at  utebwiribwiri  you-p.  think again

huri   nom  ratahigi Bwatmahangga  nu    mate  la  gaihubwe.
about  your  chief  Bwatmahanga  he-p.  dead  at  ridge pole

32)After this Father David wrote as follows;Tam bevea be matam na rovo,Tagaro mwa datal
  non talai mwa sara atatu havava dore gida 3 sa 4, ata ba gita.(Maimai).
See footnote n.
33)Rai is a variant form of rav(they-f.)
34)Ginggo is in apposition with Subwe which is an object of a verb tau. But ginggo is not
  usually used as objective. It may be an independent pronoun.

7) Hangge  Tagaro  nu  vev  lalai  Subwe  be   biladaru   ginaga  nav
   then  Tagaro he-p. say  to   Subwe  dn.  our-in. two  food   I-f.

vev  halana[halara]       gov  rongoe,  Subwe be,  hita{te} , Tagaro  mwa
say  its way[their ways]  you-f.  hear it   Subwe dn.    ok   Tagaro  he-n.

nggilon be,  damu  gov   gan  mwasina   gov   raun35)  longgona(,)  bweta
tell   dn.  yam  you-f.  eat   its mwasi  you-f.  plant     its longo  taro

kunia(,)  ihi    kunia(,)  gov   gan  mwasira    gov    rivura    la
like it banana   ike it  you-f.  eat  their mwasi  you-f.  plant them  at

 longgora   ngan (i)   gov    tai   wanggan[wanggamwa]   bugo  kea   gai
their longo  only (and) you-f. make   canoe of[your canoe]   bugo  it ind.  tree

madamada(,)  gov   vangan  avua  gi   bilamwa  ta  boe  nav  van {a}
  soft    you-f. f  eed   turtle  as   yours  but  pig  I-f.   go {at}

Mwaevo  mai[maia](,)  gov  doronia   gov   mat  ba  hinggea   {a} Mwaevo.
Maewo  with[with it]  you-f.  want it  you-f.  go  to   search it  {at} Maewo

Tagaro  nu    hahara Subwe  gin  tavalten  ginau   duluai.
Tagaro  he-p.   show Subwe  with  opposite  thing   all

35)This word is used only for planting yam. When planting other things, they use rivu(to plant).