Do consumers' aesthetic emotions and aesthetic liking
arise from fluency discrepancy?
-Insights from an advertising research perspective-
2016年 8月19日(金)16:15~17:15
神戸大学大学院国際文化学研究科 B313

TV advertising is one of the most powerful marketing tools for influencing consumers’ behaviors. It is now well established that its persuasive effect relies heavily on the elicited emotional reactions which subsequently contribute to the formation of consumers’ attitudes toward the advertised product. However, it remains unclear which aspects of TV advertising drive consumers’ emotional reactions and how these emotions could explain the consumers’ interest toward the advertising. Recently, we have conducted several experiments (Lajante et al, submitted; Lajante, Droulers and Lacoste-Badie, 2015) to investigate the aesthetic nature of advertising-elicited emotions and how aesthetic emotions could explains the formation of consumers’ attitude toward the advertising. In this short lecture, we will continue our ongoing effort to investigate the role of aesthetic emotion elicited by TV advertising in consumers’ pleasure, interest, and aesthetic liking. Based on the Pleasure-Interest Model of Aesthetic Liking (PIA model; Graf and Landwehr, 2015), we will explore how consumers’ aesthetic emotions and aesthetic liking toward the advertising might be explained by two hierarchical, fluency-based processes. As data collection is still in progress, only our experimental design will be presented.
人間の好ましさと要求の違いに関する認知・経済・情報科学による国際的アプローチ 研究プロジェクト