International Symposium
Protecting the Empire:
Imperial Government and Russian Nationalist Alliance in the Western Borderlands during the Late Imperial Period.
10(Sat.), 11(Sun.), February, 2018
Kyo-in-Danwa-Shitsu, Ho-Bun 2, The Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo (7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo)
February 10 (Sat.)
9:45 Opening Remarks
1: 10:00-12:30 1905: The Year of Changes
Anton Kotenko (Higher School of Economics/ Saint Petersburg, Russia)
The Empire Ends Where Ukrainian Question Begins: Russian Nationalism and the Romanov
State Confronting Ukrainian Nationalism, 1905–1914
Chiho Fukushima (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/ Tokyo, Japan)
Consideration to the Influence of Religious Tolerance (Toleration) of 1905 on Former Uniates
Vilma Žaltauskaitė (Lithuanian Institute of History/ Vilnius, Lithuania)
Interconfessional Rivalry in Lithuania after the Decree of Religious Toleration
Discussant: Norihiro Naganawa (Hokkaido University/ Sapporo, Japan)
Chair: Yukiko Tatsumi (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/ Tokyo, Japan)
2: 14:00-17:30 Imagining Nations and Empire
Sayaka Kaji (Iwate University/ Morioka, Japan)
The Memories of 1863-64 Uprising and its Suppression at the Turn of the19/20th Century
Vytautas Petronis (Lithuanian Institute of History/ Vilnius, Lithuania)
Tertius gaudens: The Emergence and Development of Popular Russian Nationalism in the North Western Provinces, 1906-1914
Hiromi Komori (Waseca University/ Tokyo, Japan)
Estonian’s Concern About the Weakness of National Consciousness in the Early 20th Century
Vladimir Levin (Hebrew University/ Jerusalem, Israel)
Russian Jews and Russian Nationalism: Why There Was no Jewish Right-Wing Politics in the Late Russian Empire?
Discussant: Tomohiko Uyama (Hokkaido University/ Sapporo, Japan)
Chair: Chizuko Takao (Tokyo Medical and Dental University/ Tokyo, Japan)
February 11 (Sun.)
3: 9:30-12:00 Changes in Educational Policy
Kimitaka Matsuzato (Tokyo University/ Tokyo, Japan)
Universal Education and Local Politics in Right Bank Ukraine in the Late Imperial Period
Olga Mastianica (Lithuanian Institute of History/ Vilnius, Lithuania)
The Indoctrination of Imperial Loyalty Through the Educational System
Yoko Aoshima (Kobe University/ Kobe, Japan)
Change of the Educational Policy on the Western Provinces Toward "Liberal" or a Compromise?
Discussant: Taro Tsurumi (Tokyo University/ Tokyo, Japan)
Chair: Yukimura Sakon (Niigata University/ Niigata, Japan)
4: 13:30-16:00 Confronting Non-Russian Nationalisms
Darius Staliūnas (Lithuanian Institute of History/ Vilnius, Lithuania)
Tsarist Nationality Policy in Late Imperial Period: New Chalenges, Old Methods?
Karsten Brüggemann (Tallinn University/ Tallinn, Estonia)
Defending the Empire in the Baltic Provinces: Nationalist Visions in the Aftermath of the First Russian Revolution
Juliette Cadiot (The School of Advanced Social Sciences Studies (EHESS)/ Paris, France)
The Constitutional Assembly and National Issues During the 1917 Revolution
Discussant: Yoshiro Ikeda (Tokyo University/ Tokyo, Japan)
Chair: Taku Shinohara (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/ Tokyo, Japan)
5. 16:15-17:30
Paul Werth (University of Nevada/ Las Vegas, USA) concluding remarks
General Discussion
*The order of the presentations within a session might be changed.
Supported by:
- The Research Council of Lithuania (No. Nr. S-LJB-17-3)
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (15K02939, 15H01898, 16H05930, 17H02376)
Cooperated by:
- The Lithuanian Institute of History
- Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology (The University of Tokyo)
- Research Center for Promoting Intercultural Studies (Kobe University)
Organized by:
- Darius Staliūnas (The Lithuanian Institute of History)
- Yoko Aoshima (Kobe University)
- Yoko Aoshima (yaoshima(at)dolphin.kobe-u.ac.jp)