Post-Graduation Career and Employment

最終更新日: 2020年06月19日

Post-Graduation Career and Employment

Extensive Employment Support

The Faculty of Intercultural Studies sees finding employment as part of education in a broad sense, and is rare among departments of public universities in that it places a great emphasis on helping students to find work. The Career Design Center (CDC) is an organization unique to the faculty, with a “CDC room” containing all manner of material relating to finding work, career design seminars, work experience presentations, and a number of other events dedicated to finding employment. In this way, the Faculty of Intercultural Studies plays a part in each student’s choice of path, providing enough support for them to confidently seek employment.


High Employment Rate

Many of you may be wondering what sort of employment rate the Faculty of Intercultural Studies experiences compared to other, more traditional departments. However, due to the support given by the faculty combined with the attitude and experience brought in by its students, the faculty boasts one of the highest rates in Kobe University. Between 2008 and 2012, the rates were 100%, 98.4%, 97.6%, 97.7% and 96.1%, respectively. These numbers are also some of the highest on a national level.


Various Careers and Places of Employment

While the careers and places of employment students can take are very widespread, unsurprisingly, most will take to a line of work involving international relations, such as corporations with active overseas interests, the ministry of foreign affairs and JICA. Every type of company now has some overseas work, so graduates of the faculty can find work in all manner of businesses: trade, automobile or electronics manufacturers, food, information services and news media, to give just a few examples. In seeking employment, above all, we place an emphasis on finding whatever suits you best. While most find work in corporations, 5-10% become government officials or teachers, and another 10% choose to study further in universities, sometimes abroad.

For example, graduate employment rate as shown in the “Weekly Toyokeizai” ranking in March 2009 was the eleventh across Japan and the first in the Kinki area among all humanities departments.


The Internationality that Society Needs

Globalization and the move to an information-based society is causing the world to swing between multicultural co-existence and cultural friction. Japan, meanwhile, is experiencing cracks in its societal system that threaten to break down old values and traditional frameworks. What Japan needs in the 21st century, amidst all this, is the ability to use a broad view and cross-disciplinary thinking to overcome this narrow framework. The Faculty of Intercultural Studies’ classes place an emphasis on communicative abilities and understanding foreign culture, skills which today’s society needs and seeks out. This serves as another reason for the Faculty of Intercultural Studies being a strong choice for post-graduation employment.

To learn more about the faculty’s employment support, please visit the following site.
