Last Updated: 2013/12/18
Introducing Research Groups and Journals
The Graduate School of Intercultural Studies has numerous research societies and projects, all of which play an important role in the school’s education and research activities. The following is an outline of just a few of those societies.
Kobe Graduate Student Bulletin
Intercultural Studies
The Kobe University Graduate School of Intercultural Studies publishes Kokusai Bunkagaku (Intercultural Studies), a Graduate Student Bulletin, with the aim of promoting the research of students who belong to the Graduate School and broadly publicizing their research results.
The predecessor to Kokusai Bunkagaku was a scientific journal published biannually by the Kobe University Faculty of Intercultural Studies Group (an academic organization) for a total of 25 editions up until 2011. This journal came to play a role in the education and research of the Graduate School. Continuing with the name and policy of Kokusai Bunkagaku as published by the Faculty of Intercultural Studies, the Graduate School renewed the journal as a graduate student bulletin in 2012 in order to support the academic research of graduate students and enhance the effectiveness of graduate school education. Published once a year, the students of the Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, students of the Graduate School of Human Science, and persons deemed acceptable by the editorial board are qualified to contribute.
The editorial policy of Kokusai Bunkagaku has been adopted from its predecessor, and gives it qualities that make it an even greater link in the graduate education of the university. When a graduate student submits a paper, several review committee members other than the student’s supervisor are chosen to thoroughly review it. In the case technical commentary is necessary, an outside researcher may be requested to conduct a peer review. The review staff do not only determine the paper’s suitability for publication, but also give considered and thorough comments to the author concerning how the paper should be revised in the case there are any issues with it. A sufficient revision period for the paper is provided in order that the author may carefully rewrite it in consultation with their supervisor. Through such a process of review, revision and resubmission, the graduate students acquire knowledge concerning the basic manner of production of academic works and necessary scholastic standards for submission to national societies.
Furthermore, with the Graduate School issuing the journal, the format will change from the existing paper medium to a digital publication in order to present the research results of students at the Graduate School to a wider section of society.
Kobe Society for Gender Studies
Kobe Society for Gender Studies pursues multidisciplinary research and interaction regarding gender issues. Membership is centered on Graduate School of Intercultural Studies faculty and students, but the society enjoys the participation of students from other graduate schools from around the Kansai Region.
The Kobe Anthropology Workshop
Kobe Cultural Anthropology
Kobe Bunka Jinruigaku Kenkyu (Kobe Cultural Anthropology) is a journal that primarily publishes the research results of students and researchers specializing in cultural anthropology. It is a progression from Populous, which was the bulletin for the Kobe Anthropology Workshop up until 2002. The fifth edition was published in 2011. As a journal published by the Cultural Anthropology Course of the Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, academic standards are maintained by a review system consisting of two reviewers from inside and outside the school. Graduate students and researchers from other universities have contributed in addition to students of the Graduate School of Intercultural Studies.
In addition, the Kobe Anthropology Workshop periodically gives seminars centered on students of the Graduate School of Human Science and the Graduate School of Intercultural Studies. Lively activities are carried out, such as debates attended by researchers from outside the school
Bulletin of Japanese Culture Studies
Nihon Bunkaron Nenpo (Bulletin of Japanese Culture Studies) was launched in March 1998 as part of the activities of the Japanese Culture Course, which is now reorganized to the Japanese Culture Studies Course. The bulletin has been published annually, presenting the best theses and research outcomes of faculty members and graduate students to the world with the aim of driving the education and research activities of the course. Aside from the academic achievements, the bulletin also contains up-to-date information on the various activities of the course and alumni. Publication of the Nihon Bunkaron Nenpo is funded by the Kobe University Seishi Yamaguchi Academic Promotion Fund.
Kakuzan Ronsou
Kakuzan Ronsou is a journal written and published by volunteer graduate and research students of the Graduate School of Intercultural Studies and Kobe University Graduate School of Human Science, and edited by the Kakuzan Ronsou Publishing Committee. Published annually, the journal has reached its eighth issue, and those involved with Kakuzan Ronsou also hold research and social events which attract large numbers of people.