大学入学共通テスト実施のため鶴甲第1キャンパスへの立ち入りを禁止します(2025/1/17 17:00-2025/1/19 19:00)
Specialized course
Japanese studies
Asia-Pacific Cultural Theory
European / American Cultural Theory
Cultural anthropology
Comparative civilization /
comparative culture theory
International Relations / Comparative Politics
Modernity theory
Advanced social theory
Art and culture theory
Language communication
Sensitivity communication
Information and communication
Foreign language education system theory
Foreign language education content theory
Advanced Communication Theory
Promotion of international exchange and research
The “Research Center for Promoting Intercultural Studies: Promis” was founded in 2014 and represents the merging of the “Intercultural Research Center: IReC” (founded in 2006) and the “Center for Media and Cultural Studies: CMEC” (founded in 2008).