Exchange Programs

Last Updated: 2013/12/18

Overseas Studying Information

We have student exchange agreements with overseas universities.

List of Inter-University Student Agreements

ロンドン(SOAS) イギリス 全学協定
テネシー アメリカ  
ピッツバーグ 全学協定
ワシントン 全学協定
ハンブルク ドイツ  
グラーツ オーストリア 全学協定
ライデン オランダ 全学協定
ルーヴァン・カトリック ベルギー DDプログラムあり
ニース フフンス  
パリ第2 全学協定
パリ第7 全学協定
パリ第10 全学協定
ボローニヤ イタリア  
ヴェネツィア 全学協定
オーフス デンマーク  
カレル チェコ 全学協定
ワルシャワ ポーランド  
ソフィア ブルガリア 全学協定
モスクワ教育 ロシア  
西オーストラリア オーストラリア 全学協定
クイーンズランド 全学協定
武漢 中国 全学協定
上海交通 全学協定
精華 全学協定
浙江 DDプログラムあり
台湾 台湾 全学協定
ソウル 大韓民国 全学協定
ベトナム国家 ベトナム  
アテネオ・デ・マニラ フィリピン  
タマサート タイ  


The Graduate School of Intercultural Studies has agreements for student exchanges with overseas universities. Compared to studying overseas at your personal expense, these agreements confer the following advantages when studying overseas:
[1] Tuition for the university you move to is free (you will, however, still need to pay tuition for Kobe University).
[2] Any credits acquired at the target university will be accepted as the department’s credits.
[3] While studying abroad, you will still be counted as enrolled at Kobe University and you can graduate to complete your degree in one year for a Master’s (or two years including half a year abroad, or three years for a Doctorate).

While the class fees in [3] vary from country to country and it can be more or less advantageous. Many American and European universities charge a large fee, and make this a significant benefit. [2] and [3] are benefits exclusive to the agreement-based overseas study. Currently, there are three types of scholarships: JASSO, HUMAP (limited to Pacific Rim countries) and Kobe University’s own intended to help with part of the travel and living expenses.

Candidates will be interviewed and tested by the international exchange committee for the following four criteria. [1] Literary examination and linguistic skill [2] Motive for application [3] Suitability (ability to cope with living abroad for a long period) [4] Focus (a clear plan of what to do abroad). Additionally, if moving to an English-speaking country, you will need to clear the required TOEFL or IELTS score.

he Double Degree program (DD program) is a program that allows students studying at overseas research departments (currently Zhejiang University and Université Catholique de Louvain) for at least one year and by acquiring the necessary credits and presenting a Master’s thesis to acquire a Master’s degree at both universities in two years minimum.

Credits between both universities are interchangeable and the curriculums are linked. Additionally, there is no need to pay tuition at the university you stay at abroad, only for the Kobe University.
