Job title Associate Professor
Graduate Modernity Studies
Faculty Contemporary Culture and Society
DB https://researchmap.jp/tetzhakoda?lang=en
Research Field History of Social Thought, Contemporary Critical Philosophy, Contemporary Sociology, Radical Politics, Political Ecology
Keywords Social Philosophy, Climate Justice, Neoliberalism, Ecology, Michel Foucault, Governmentality, Logistics, Extractivism
Affiliation The Society for the History of Social Thought (JAPAN), The Japan Sociological Society
Activity "Selected Works in Japanese
2022, Michel Foucault and the Concept of Government - An Introduction, Kodansha Ltd., Japanese language (Authored Book)
2023, ‘Non-Violence, Sabotage and Alternative Futures: The Radical Landscape of the European Environmental Movements in Western Europe,’ Sekai, no. 974, pp. 74-80. (Additional Research Output)
2022, ‘Climate Justice Movement’, Introduction to the History of Modern Science and Technology and STS, Minerva Shobo, pp. 98-99. (Book Chapter)
Selected Works in English
2015, ‘Bodies and Pleasures in the Happy Limbo of a Non-identity: Foucault against Butler on Herculine Barbin’, Zinbun, vol. 45, pp.91-108 (Refereed Journal Article)"
Language Japanese, English
Prospective students Our class reads critical social theory and political ecology in the context of contemporary social movements. We also study modern social philosophy from the perspective of the history of ideas.

Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University Faculty of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University
Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University
Faculty of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University