Job title Professor
Degree Dr.
Graduate Modernity Studies
Faculty Contemporary Culture and Society
Mail keikoishida(AT)
Research Field Aesthetics
Keywords Modernism, art, literature, politics
Affiliation International Association for Aesthetics
Activity Recent book: Politicization of Aesthetics: Modernist Poets and Fascism (Keiogijyukudaigaku Syuppannkai, 2013), 'Gestalt and ' , Theory of Criticism and Social Theory 1: Aisthesis, (Ochanomizu Shobo, 2011) and other research papers, including 'Gottfried Benn and Alfred Baeumler: the astrologiscal aesthetics and Nazism'. ( Aesthetics and Art History, No.26, Jissen Women's University, 2012 )
Language Japanese, English
Prospective students Prospective students are interested in such themes as the relations between art and politics in modern times and the artistic communication with others. Students are expected to have enough language skills in thinking and writing on their own theme. The ultimate goal is to complete their academic thesis.