Job title Professor
Degree PhD in Sociology
Graduate Contemporary Social Issues
Faculty Contemporary Culture and Society
DB http://kuid.ofc.kobe-u.ac.jp/InfoSearch/html/researcher/researcher_h1qPPT7X_AHO-IBQ3mbe3w_ja.html?q=小笠原+博毅&backtoResultPath=View.do
Mail hirokio(AT)kobe-u.ac.jp
Website http://ccs.cla.kobe-u.ac.jp/Kihan/oga/
Research Field Sociology And Cultural Studies
Keywords Race And Racism, Sport And The Body, The Art Of Social Thinking, Pirates Modernity
Affiliation Association for Cultural Studies, British Sociological Association(International Editorial Board Member), International Sociology of Sport Association, Japanese Association for Cultural Studies
Activity “Banality of Football: ‘Race’, Nativity, and How Japanese football critics failed to digest the planetary spectacle” in Horne, J & Manzenreiter, W (eds.) Football Goes East, Routledge, 2004.; "Maxr, and Marxism as Method in Stuart Hall's Thinking" in Inter Asia Cultural Studies, Vo.18, Issue 2, 2017.
Language English, Japanese
Prospective students 'Critical thinking' is a key to work in my class and seminar. Students who are interested in sport, music and other popular cultural genres, with a touch of phisolosophical thinking, are welcome.