Open Campus, Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University

12:30 to 4:00pm, Saturday September 24, 2016

Room B109, Tsurukabuto 1 campus


Details and List of Professors planning to attend [PDF] New! 2016.9.8

Reception opens 12 noon.

  1. General explanation  (12:30~13:15)
    • A Word from the Dean (Dean Ohtsuki)
    • Why study at Kobe University? (A current student)
    • The course structure (Curriculum Coordinator)
    • The Japanese language sub-course (Associate Professor Saito)
    • The entrance exam (Head of the exam committee)
    • Career paths on completing the course (Head of the Career Design Center)
    • Questions received online prior to the event
    • Other questions
  2. Small group meetings with a representative from each course (13:30 to 14:30)
  3. Poster presentations from current graduate students (14:30 to 15:30)


If you are interested in taking part, make sure to register for the event via this online form.

For directions to the event, please see this page. The general meeting from 12:30pm will take place in room B109, near No. 14 on this map.

If you have further questions, please send us a message via the following email address.

gicls-kyomugakusei [at]


