
Migration Issues and International and Domestic Governance
日本拠点代表者 Principal Investigator in Kobe University:

  •  坂井 一成 Kazunari SAKAI
  •  神戸大学国際文化学研究科教授 Professor, Graduate School of Intercultural Studies)

相手国側拠点代表者 Principal Investigators in the Oversea Partner Universities

  •   Gilles FERRAGU
  •   (Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Paris West Nanterre)
  •   Noemi LANNA
  •   (Associate Professor, Department for Asian, African and Mediterranean Studies, University of Naples L'Orientale)

移民の増加がもたらす国際的及び国内的なガバナンスの形成・変容に関して、1) 移民動態をめぐる国際環境分析、2)移民とアイデンティティ・ポリティクス、3)移民をめぐる福祉政策分析の観点から掘り下げていくが、とりわけEU において起こっている深刻な移民・難民の流入問題を冷静に分析しながらアジアでの状況についてもサーベイを行う。人の移動のプッシュ要因とプル要因の分析と、受入社会での政治過程における論点について、各研究者が政治学、国際関係論、経済学、社会学、歴史学、人類学の立場から対象を掘り下げていく。

With regard to the formation of and change in international and domestic governance caused by the increase in migrants, we will delve into the topics of 1) international environment analysis about migrant attitudes, 2) migrants and identity politics, and 3) welfare policy analysis. We will also conduct surveys on the situation in Asia while realistically analyzing the serious problem of migrant and refugee influx occurring most particularly in Europe. In ordre to analyze the push and pull factors for human movement and the issues related to the political process of the receiving society, the research will be conduted by scholars in such disciplines as  political science, international relations theory, economics, sociology, history, and anthropology.