For Students(Faculty)

School Calendar / Class Timetable / Students’ Handbook (2013 Academic Year)

School Calendar (in Japanese, PDF)

Class Timetable (in Japanese, PDF)
→ Spring Semester [Front] [Back]
→ Fall Semester [Font][Back]

Student Handbook (in Japanese, PDF)

Syllabus (2013 Academic Year)

Online syllabus is available on “Uribo Net” (Academic Affairs Information System)
→ “Uribo Net” (External Site)

PDF version [Spring Semester] [Fall Semester]


Committee on the International Exchange

Career Design Center

Personal Advising and Suggestions

If you require any advice about your school life, studies, and others, please feel free to contact the school affairs office of the faculty via the following e-mail address:



You can also post your message to the “国際文化相談箱(Kokusai-bunka Soudan-bako)”, a help box, which is on the ground floor of the Building E. Which will be forwarded to an appropriate committee / office.

Download the form for the box from [here (DOC file)].


If you suffer from any kind of harassment, please contact the Harassment Prevention Committee via the following e-mail address:



〒657-8501 兵庫県神戸市灘区鶴甲1-2-1